What's worse, the coke or the cut


Well-Known Member
I used to carry sedatives around for people on stims. Cocaine does not increase your IQ, it just makes you think it does.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if this is a fact about cocaine or some troll about milk?
Cocaine powder is often cut with lactose, aka "milk sugar" because its sweet, cheap, relatively safe, and finely granular.

The problem is that most adults can't really digest lactose, and it causes gas and/or diarrhea.

So the answer to the original question is, its probably the cut that causes the bathroom run, not the actual drug.

As to "medical" cocaine, cocaine hydrochloride is a great combination topical anesthetic and vasoconstrictor, meaning it tends to stop bleeding, making it the ideal anesthetic for surgery in the nose and other mucous membranes.

Unlike (safer and less addictive) marijuana, which is a schedule I drug considered by Federal regulation to have no legitimate medical use, cocaine is actually a schedule II drug, and doctors with DEA licenses *CAN* legally prescribe it.

Now, in practice, the drug is still heavily restricted, its use is limited to surgery only, and even there lots of hospital pharmacies won't stock it (too much hassle/paperwork). But despite the above, there are still a number of "old school" ENT surgeons and plastic surgeons who like to use it for nasal surgery, just because it works so well.


Well-Known Member
the usual cut is manitol. The usual dose of manitol in order to promote a laxaitive effect is in the gram range. It is likely that if you have go to the bathroom it is along the same reasons that you have to go after a cup or two of coffee - the stimulating effect of the substance being used, and not because of the relatively minute quantities of the cut.

I've seen folks rush to the can after having taken what I knew to be a fact to be quite pure - and then they came and complained to me that it must surely have been cut with baby laxative. I commonly threw these people out of my home.
Did you use his head to open the door?



Well-Known Member
It's insane how drugs like cocaine and herion were once legal. I like coca every once in a while but I would NOT want that shit legalized. What medicinal purposes did the people think they had.
It's still used as a local anesthetic. It's one of the strongest known.

It's Schedule 2.


Well-Known Member
Last coke I did came from a bottle labeled "Cocaine" from Fitizsimons Army Med Center in 1978, I stopped looking for coke in 1980 after my supplier transfered. Everything after that was crap.
Was it a green liquid? I had some coke soaked cotton strands shoved up into my sinuses at an ENT office. I blacked out. I lost my vision for maybe 7-8 minutes, then I couldn't feel my face for about 30 minutes. Not like it was numb feeling, like it wasn't connected to my body. No feeling.

I'll never forget this doc coming in the room with a pony tail, he says "alright, we'll get some cocaine up your nose and then we'll get started". I laughed, was thinking "who the fuck is this joker?" had no clue.... This guy knew what he was doing though. I was impressed with how quickly he was in and out and how little pain i felt. I would guess he used about 3ml of liquid per nostril/cotton strand. He put the strands in to a comfortable depth, waited, then when i was a little numb he practically shoved them behind my eye balls.

The anesthetic abilities are amazing... The doc shoved a metal rod up my nose and broke my nose to straighten it against the bar (i broke it the week before)... My vision came back just in time to see him slide the bar out of my nose along with a glop of really thick blood. I didn't feel a fucking thing. The whole ordeal was done and I was on my way within 30 mins of seeing the doctor. They told me to sit in the waiting room for at least 30 minutes before I left, but... I was a little anxious to get to the pharmacy to fill my Percocett RX.


Active Member
Hi Crown,
The cut is the problem.
Back in the mid 90s, I had a Bro who was a friend of mine in college, dude was from Peru. His Dad was some kind of ambassador with Diplomatic Immunity, hence no Customs when flying on commercial aircraft. This was pre-911, no Homeland Security, no dogs, no pads to swipe your shit fed into computers with spectroanalyzers.
He went back home one year for Spring Break and came back to PA with a brand new pair of Nike's, with a z of Puro in each shoe.
Shit was salmon color, straight up Peruvian Flake, uncut. Sparkley.
You did one little key bump or a pencil line thin rail, and were Good with a Cap. G for HOURS. No teeth grinding, no blah blah blah conversation about Nothing, no crash, no jones, no comedown, nothing. Just Up Up and Away.
I've had C maybe 40? times in my life and nothing even came close.
So in my opinion it's the cut that's the problem.
Coke itself isn't bad when used responsibly and with respect.
That shit was pure as can be and was Wonderful. Never seen anything like it before or since.
Just my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
Hi Crown,
The cut is the problem.
Back in the mid 90s, I had a Bro who was a friend of mine in college, dude was from Peru. His Dad was some kind of ambassador with Diplomatic Immunity, hence no Customs when flying on commercial aircraft. This was pre-911, no Homeland Security, no dogs, no pads to swipe your shit fed into computers with spectroanalyzers.
He went back home one year for Spring Break and came back to PA with a brand new pair of Nike's, with a z of Puro in each shoe.
Shit was salmon color, straight up Peruvian Flake, uncut. Sparkley.
You did one little key bump or a pencil line thin rail, and were Good with a Cap. G for HOURS. No teeth grinding, no blah blah blah conversation about Nothing, no crash, no jones, no comedown, nothing. Just Up Up and Away.
I've had C maybe 40? times in my life and nothing even came close.
So in my opinion it's the cut that's the problem.
Coke itself isn't bad when used responsibly and with respect.
That shit was pure as can be and was Wonderful. Never seen anything like it before or since.
Just my 2 cents...

I have had what I know to be "pure" many many times. A part of what happens is not the cut so much as it is the impurities. I also know that it has a lot to do with one's situation - just as any other. If your blow was any color other than the white that comes from a collection of clear crystals then it had some impurity, even the famed pink flake or blue rock - that was so fresh that the acetone fumes still flowed off of it and interestingly, marked the stainless steel of the scale.

Pure will have you grind your teeth if you do too much, it will have you talk on and on, and if you take too much of it for too long, it will have you jonesing or crashing - it is he chemical itself. I have heard however, that pharm pure has a different, rather empty or less "rich" effect. I never noticed this myself but only have had pharm two times. I suspect, furthermore, that the method of extraction leaves lots of psychoactive impurities - some seem to dull the experience and I have yet to encounter one that brightens it.

There is also the effects of blow that has been broken - that has oxidized or been changed because there was too much acid left after cleaning. If you smell bubblegum, what you are smelling is degraded coke. If you smell dirty socks, you are smelling an oily residue that was not cleaned and it seems each have psychoactive or anti-psychoactive effects.


Well-Known Member
Oh you could get it "pure" in the early 80's if you had the right connections - of course pure was a relative term but there were those who knew how to do that final clean up that made it sparkle both in your eye and in your brain.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly their cocaine was the standard of quality back when powdered cocaine was still used in medicine.