whats wrong Here?


i cant seem to figure out what the problem is here
last week it was hot and dryed out my plants so i got a 6inch exhaust i just installed today i was wondering if there was any hope for the ones that were dryed out it seems like there fadding, they also appear to have some nute burn but the whole leave is yellow/green ish
the ph of the soil is 6.2
ive been watering frequtenly i dont think ive given the roots enough time to oxygenate
growth has almost stopped on these plants so i started foliar feeding today

are there any additives or things i can do or get that would save my babies?

2x 25watt clf
1x 25watt blue LED
1x 90 watt ufo multi spectrum LED
1x 6inch exhaust
Co2 geneerater
12/12 for SOG grow
pro blend soil flower nutes
fox farm ocean soil
2 weeks of flower from clones:weed:
first week of veg


Well-Known Member
How frequently are we watering here? :)

New growth looks ok, so I'm guessing you're missing something here with either N or K.

Also, pro blend soil has low N, and is very acidic.

If you are feeding the soil with and watering frequently, a whole host of probs come into play.

Hard telling.

What kind of water are you using?


Well-Known Member
And my vote is to stop all activity, let it dry out a bit, and report results.

If you know you are overwatering, you don't want to foliar feed it too.
i did 1 big watering right when i planted my clones i think i over watered to begin with because they went over a week without even the topsoil being moist then a week and a half i watered again because i noticed they were drying out i also ph tested the nutes and added nutes after about 2 weeks im using tap water