whats wrong here ?


Well-Known Member
Is this a serious post?

Hope not...

Looks like thrips tbh...

Throw everything out

Spray everything down... I use neem as preventative measure before flower... But the way your setup looks, imma buy stock in it!


If you need to, take few cuttings, dip in neem oil water mixture.

Good luck my friend, you'll need it, you don't mind smoking bugs??? I heard kids now days toke bedbugs...

PS, i bet you that you somebody gave you those cuttings, I will never take a cutting from somebody... Idgaf what strain you got. Never had bugs, Dont want em...


Well-Known Member
bad nights sleep so I'm trawling through RIU pages to try to help. . . .

Shit man, I'm with jayjay 100% here, that is Thrips.
A pretty big outbreak.

I use a product called Pyrethrum 5EC - 4ml to a litre folia spray, very good and fast acting. THEY CAN BE SAVED (not the thrips, yr plants), but there's gonna be some effort.

1st, clear your tent if you can and spray it down with a weak ish bleach solution. (The prime reason Thrips invade, is a not so clean growing environment!!)

Get each plant, turn it upside down so all the undersides of leaves are visible, and spray the fuck out of it till is dripping, let the leaf run off and your excess spray fall onto your other plants. do it to all.

(Better yet, if they are small enough cuttings, make up a 10 litre bucket of Pyrethum, and dip the entire plant into the bucket, and stir it around for 5 seconds, like as sheep dip, lol. Shit just seen they're in flower, sorry, dusty eyes., kick in Sativa!!!, lol. Dipping is out. I use a paint brush in flowering to paint Pyrethum onto the underside of the leaves, if the leaves are that bad, as some of yours are, I'd carefully remove the leaves, with something underneath them as you pluck them, so no critters fall of onto your soil to start the process again, I 'd slip a bag over the leaf first and then pluck)

THEN, you are gonna need to clear your medium of the infections the larvae can leave behind . . . . I use Guard n Aid Rot Stop, 3ml to a litre, drech em, wether you've just watered them or not . . . .

Repeat Pyrethum 5EC wash every three days, spray your trunk to, as thrips travel up it, I'm told, once they pupated (or what ever the word is, lol)

Good luck m man, the important thing is not to loose faith and to soldier on and beat these mother fluffers!!!!


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Well-Known Member
They can be saved, I know, but... All that work, not worth it IMO. Not when you can start over so easily, if your a good grower...

Honestly, I'd consider doing a double dip before all those steps, make 5 gallon bucket of solution, dip top half of plant, flip, dip bottom, including pot lmfao...

Lazy grower I am.... Make these girls work hard for your money... Learn to put your pimp hand down on these hairy bitches and train them to your will... Some things you shouldn't do... Like putting a t5 on your light mover, haha


Well-Known Member

MITES!!!! boneheads,,,,,, NOT THRIPS!
errrrr hemmmmmm, no I'm not gonna type, "doh, nah that's what I meant", got genuinely totally confused. Sorry for misdiagnosis, come on Fi, you know this!!!! LOL


The same does apply above though P 5EC, doesn't stop for anything!!!!
