Whats wrong this my first grow


Well-Known Member
New growth looks healthy. The issues in the older leaves can be from salt build up and a subpar root system. These issues this early on should be looked after. I would let the medium really dry out then give a good watering, no nutes. Get some good run off. Let dry out again. Start with less nutes than previously used. They will do just fine.
New growth looks healthy. The issues in the older leaves can be from salt build up and a subpar root system. These issues this early on should be looked after. I would let the medium really dry out then give a good watering, no nutes. Get some good run off. Let dry out again. Start with less nutes than previously used. They will do just fine.


Active Member
looks to me like what highlife4me said, too many nutes causing nutrient burn/wilting. let the pots dry out and water with only pH balanced filtered water, nothing else for a 2-10 days, however long it take to show improvement, then slowly add the nutrients back in. gl!


Well-Known Member
Hard to give advice when you don't provide any information about your grow.
Medium, pH, nutes, feeding schedule, water source, supplements, etc.
Fabric pot purple cow , super root pot ocean farm, water ph between 6.3 & 6.8, feed when medium dry, tap water, fox farm nutes just started veg nutes because a friend told me it needed it
Hard to give advice when you don't provide any information about your grow.
Medium, pH, nutes, feeding schedule, water source, supplements, etc.
Fabric pot purple cow , super root pot ocean farm, water ph between 6.3 & 6.8, feed when medium dry, tap water, fox farm nutes just started veg nutes because a friend told me it needed it


Well-Known Member
Next time you take pics please do it under natural light. I am not inclined to bust my ass diagnosing problems in plants the colours of compost.