whats wrong wit this?


Active Member
is this mag def?:sad: or what i dont exactly know havent found a tell true answer anywhere. Goodlooking on the helpout


Active Member
umm what kind of soil are you using what kinda nutes? whats the ph level?
im using hlaf mirical grow, half eko compost. only after i started growing did i find out MG isnt that great but its fine with the compost mix. I dont think thats has anything to do with it on account I have 7 plants and those whitedots are only on one. im using foxfarm grow big for now and i also have the other two blooms from fox. and my ph is in between 6.5-5.8. If you dont know its cool, like i said i think it may be a mag def. I dont know forsure really


Well-Known Member
well if you think thats what it is then give it some mag and if it gets worse then just flush the plant.


Well-Known Member
The first sign of any problems always best to flush the plant with water ph of 5.0/5.5.If you have been growing for a while then you should have already have done this.But if you aint then do it bro don't just think that flushing plants is just for the last week or two.Get into the habbit of flushing has regular has possible,Some might say that by flushing the plants you are takeing away the nutrients to beat this have a fresh batch made so once the flush is finished a couple of hours later make up some fresh and put them in with the plants.Best to do this over the bath because alot of water is about.But i flush at least 3 times during veg and once aweek during flowering a little extra work but if you are watering right you can time the flush with the feed.Only feed once a week there is no need for any more wet the plant through and repeat on the same day a week later after you have flushed the plants.If you are growing loads of plants then this would be realy hard work but i grow 4 plants and get about 3/4 ounce dry of each.