Whats wrong with her??


Hi yall.

I am growing for the first time and my plant looks a bit strange. She is about 2 1/2 weeks old
Bottom leaves are now turning yellow.:sad:
I have replanted her because the soil was wrong and now I have the right one. I have 80w CFL(real wattage, equal to 400w) shining on her for 18h a day and distance is about 2-3in. I water her every other day and over 2 times I give her nutes. On the bottle is written N 3.5%, P2O3 1.0%, K2O 5.5% and also contains B, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn, Fe.


I have no idea any more whats wrong with her.. :wall:

Could someone give me some advice?



Pic uploaded now. I dont know what kind of soil. I know the Ph is 6.5 and its the best I can get in here..;-)


Its BioCanna Vega and for flowering BioCanna Flores. I mixed the exact amount what is said on the bottle.


Weed Modifier
Its BioCanna Vega and for flowering BioCanna Flores. I mixed the exact amount what is said on the bottle.
how many ml of nutrients / how much water?

just trying to figure out exactly how much you fed...then i will be able tell what needs to be done.

Jar Man

Active Member
After replanting it may take a little while (3-4 days) to see any improvement. Off hand, I'd say nutes are a little too hot for such an early seedling stage, particularly in soil. May also be getting more water than needed so early. She doesn't look really sick, just a few adjustments and you should see an improvement. Wow, didn't know they made a 80w CFL. At 2"-3" away? A little close maybe for so bright a light at so early a stage of development. Back off the nutes and waterings till the soil dries out more between waterings and things should straighten out.

Jar Man

Active Member
It may sound backwards to a beginner but too many nutrients at not the right time tends to lock out the availability of those nutes, having the apparent effect of too little nutes. Often newbies will then add more, only exasperating the problem.


New Member
If your light is drying out your soil enough to merit watering every other day it could be to close. Also adding nutrients twice to a 2 and a half week old sprout sounds like an overly ambitious feeding schedule. Any damage you do to the plant in these early stages can easily kill it or stunt it's growth to the point that it would just be easier to start a new seed. That being said your plant does look like it could pull through.


Active Member
^^^- Good advice

I use Bio canna nutes also, at 2.5 weeks I would back off the watering and feeding for a few, perhaps pick up some Rhizotonic from Canna,, it will strengthen your root system a little and should assist in the overall development of the plant


Active Member
should start feeding at3 to 4weeks old.....and at 1/4 to half strength wat it says on the bottle would be good just so u get use to the nutes also dont water till ur soil looks dry and crusty u need the roots to get bigger and the only way is for the roots to look for water farther down the pot

my 2cents


So I will move the lights little closer and only water it, no nutes for some time.
I replanted it about 4 days ago and the growth has now inceased alot.
Also I dont have 80W CFL, I have 4x20w CFL lights. ;-)


how many ml of nutrients / how much water?

just trying to figure out exactly how much you fed...then i will be able tell what needs to be done.
I am using a mix of BioCanna Vega and 20ml concentrate for 10L of water, 1:500 mix. So I should maybe mix it like 1:1000 that she can get used with nutes?


Also Im thinking about replanting her again to better soil mix. Im wondering if it helps. Or maybe using it on my next grow. Thinking of buying vermiculite and a soil mix that contains NPK nutes for the beginning, Perlite and peat. What ya think?
im an complete newbie to growing only have done 3 grows, i recently brought no mercy co2 tablets its safe to say iv seen an improvement , its under £20 for 60tabs and they say 1 is enough for 100 litres, i use half in 10litres, iv tried dels 12/12 from seed and purple haze wasnt really feeling or looking healthy after 2 months had only 5 leaves so im guessing its not a strain for it, but in about a week (i recieved them last friday) and there is alot more leaf might help her out or get someone stoned enough to breath on it for a while.

edit" they cant od on them either (im gonna try putting some in a sprayer to allow for more to be in the enviroment cause some guy said an oil burner gave him a great "higher yeilding" batch from the co2 it was releasing)


Well-Known Member
Most soils are not made specifically for mj. Soilless is the better choice for optimum QC. Only then will you know exactly what's in the mix.

I see it already has leaf tip burn, a sure sign of hot nutes at this tender age. I would flush her for a week, then max of 200 ppm until you have 3th node after which you can increase by ~ 100ppm per week, but a max of 800.