what's wrong with my girl?


LINK OF HER BEFORE PICTURE AROUND DEC 3:: https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/388649-droopy-leaves-top.html


Shes been like this for a 3-4 weeks. I cant figure out whats the problem. Before I would use 1/4 strength of Botincare CNS17.. Then I tried just straight up water and back to this and shes still the same old self =T. Some leaves are yellow and turning reddish purple. Stem is straight up purple. I water it nutes 5 days then water regular filtered water after 5 days then back and forth. I'm not sure if I should just chuck her =(.. it had alot of yellow fan leaves thru the 3 weeks but i picked out most of them. Not sure what to say. Its going to be a mother plant so its only vegging. OG MASTER CUSH CLONE


Camera phone


How old is the soil she's in? perhaps rootbound? Trim her back, pull out the roots, and cut off a good 1" of each side, then repot her with some fresh soil. If not, maybe take a couple clones and start vegging em for a new mom?


Well-Known Member
Rongway called it she looks a bit root bound and totally nute blocked from excess buildup in the tight root system and the ph is probably way out of whack because of all those locked nutes just sitting in the pot. Transplanting would help but if you cant put her in anything bigger, she can still easily be cloned, and if you do a REAL flush to get that nute lockout fixed she can be saved. Take her outside or to the bathtub and run 10 gallons of clean water through here. If you can poke a few holes in the soil to help with drainage and even water absorbtion. KEEP running clean water through her until she EASILY drains out and the drainage water should be CLEAR. Then you can put some VERY MILD veg nutes in some water and run that through.
Basically your washing out all the little salty granuals that build up and the nutrients that haze locked each other up out of your soil and root system.
Then after your good and flushed your adding a little of the nutrients back into the soil in a small dose at first. MAKE sure after you flush that your putting PH'd water back into her so you dont start getting too hi-low and locking out nutrients again.

Give 1/2 the strength of what you already consider a small dose. LESS IS MORE =D They dont NEED nutes to survive just PH'd tap water but if given in the correct amounts the nutes just help them thrive.


Well-Known Member
yeah man looks like its hungry. N def P def and god knows what else. put the nutes up to full str(not 1/4),like it says on bottle.