Whats wrong with my Hydro plant?? Any help :)


Active Member
This is my first "Hydro" grow, but not my first grow. I'm using the General Hydro drip set up, and I've got an extra air-stone in the reservoir to help give the roots oxygen. I'm using the FloraSeries that came with the whole hydro kit and am only feeding it 1/3 of what the feeding chart says.

My PH is always around 5.6-6.3 which is ideal.
My PPM is around 650-700 for a 4 week old OG clone. It's only about 8 inches and is not growing fast which makes me believe that its stunted.(from what I've heard hydro is supposed to take off for your plants and make them grow faster)

At first my plant was showing yellowing/burning/curling tips and leaves/blades. I was told by a buddy of mine that it was Mag deficiency so I'm giving my res Epsom salt.
Im almost positive its Nutrient burn but im not even giving it the full feed!?!? Should i lower the nutrients AGAIN? I feel like im doing something terribly wrong here, and ive read hundreds of posts about problems but i just cant fix this!!

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my plant??

Any imput is appreciated, NEW GROWER HERE! :)

Hope pics aren't too small!

photo (1).jpgphoto (2).jpgphoto.jpg


Looks like nute burn to me. I would start fresh with the water and lower the nutrient concentration.

I don't see any evidence of mag def. stop with the epsom.