What's wrong with my lil ladies????? HELP!!!!!


2012-06-27_10-57-10_192.jpg2012-06-27_10-57-31_117.jpg2012-06-27_10-57-58_285.jpgRIU! Been having a issue with a couple of vegging ladies. Searched around RIU for someone with a similiar problem, but no luck. So I had to post here! Strain is Og Kush and Skywalker Og. Bout 2 months into veg under a 4ft 4 bulb T5, and a 4ft 2 bulb T5. Temp gets pretty hot, around 90 degrees and 42-45 humidity. Have a blizzard fan moving the air around in there. Using GH nutes, Super Thrive. Ph is around 6.0-6.5. Please help. I have 10 other younger Og's that are doing fine in the same room. Temp?? Overwatering? Salts?? HELP!!! Thanks in advance.....



Active Member
Ohhh NOOO.. That happened to me man.. I think you got a root lockup.. Due to salt content in the roots there not able to get nutrients.. Either that or there over fertilized.. I would lean towards lockup though.. I don't know if they will make it.. But, flushing and CalMag supplement will help if it happens again.. Are you using Tap water??


Ohhh NOOO.. That happened to me man.. I think you got a root lockup.. Due to salt content in the roots there not able to get nutrients.. Either that or there over fertilized.. I would lean towards lockup though.. I don't know if they will make it.. But, flushing and CalMag supplement will help if it happens again.. Are you using Tap water??
DAMN!! I kinda figured I might have been overdoing the nutes....My first grow, so its a lesson learned! Thanks for your help bro! Yes, tap water left out for 24 hrs before use....Could that be an issue also???


Well-Known Member
Look burnt from to much salt build up from nutes if in soil plants have tons of nutes to run you almost 4 weeks never go by recommended dosage on bottle always 1/4 to a maximum 1/2 its better to have a hungry plant then a over toxified one flush it and feed low amount


Look burnt from to much salt build up from nutes if in soil plants have tons of nutes to run you almost 4 weeks never go by recommended dosage on bottle always 1/4 to a maximum 1/2 its better to have a hungry plant then a over toxified one flush it and feed low amount
Thanks Timewalk! Appreciate your insight...Gonna bring em in and flush in the tub tonight. Straight water right? Should I make sure the ph is right? Or is straight water ok???


Well-Known Member
Cant believe you let it get this bad without seeking advice. Anyway this is a major heat issue i think it gets over 100 ,poor ventillation and ordinary soil mix.You must remove the old hot air thru summer bro or you get this catastrophe. The young ones will be the same as they get older.
Get temps below 80.


Cant believe you let it get this bad without seeking advice. Anyway this is a major heat issue i think it gets over 100 ,poor ventillation and ordinary soil mix.You must remove the old hot air thru summer bro or you get this catastrophe. The young ones will be the same as they get older.
Get temps below 80.
So you think its heat BUDS??? It does get hot in there. Even been leaving the door open and jus locking the screen to get some outside air flow going in there...Another fan? Blower fan? Another a/c unit on the veg side? Thanks for your response BUDS?? Do I still flush??