What’s wrong with my plant? Dark green veins. Canoeing


Well-Known Member
hey guys. Got this plant growing outdoors atm, along with my other 4 healthy plants. I live in Australia.

Anyway they were started indoors, put them outdoors a little too early in spring, causing them to prematurely flower. All 4 plants are going through this, changing back to veg, but one of my plants has another problem, probably unrelated.

It started with the 2 lowest big fan leaves, then moved up to the second and third set of fan leaves, now the top big fan leaves are copping it. New growth looks ok, but it’s probably only a matter of time before it affects the whole plant?!

I transplanted it 4 days ago into a bigger pot, they’re growing in plain coco, even though they started flowering I still fed them all veg nutes without any problems.. I just don’t know what’s up with this bad boy.

Anyway when I transplanted it, I noticed at the bottom of the root ball there was about 3 or 4 square inches of what looked to be rotten roots, and some of them still stuck and ripped off on the bottom of the pot when I pulled it out, so I ripped off some of the rotten roots and put them into a larger pot with coco. Doesn’t seem to have fixed it. I tried flushing it with plain water, I even gave it a small dose of bloom nutes, thinking cause it was in flowering it needed more phosphorus and potassium. Didn’t fix a thing.

Any help is hugely appreciated!!


Cletus clem

Well-Known Member
Firstly, whenever you see a deficiencythat starts at the bottom and goes up, you know youre dealing with a mobile nutrient. Secondly, being in oz, i believe many of your soils and nutrients are scaled back in P. On that note, P is also very easily bound up in the soil. I dont know if you can get any bat or seabird guano, preferably seabird, but may try an active aerated compost tea using some worm castings and guano. Kelp and fulvic/humic would also be some great additions to that. Spark some life in your microbes to see if they will straighten it out and add some P. Hope this helps!

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Its in flower mode, it wants P and K. Apart from one watering its been getting Veg nutes.

So you have a plant getting lots of N which it doesn't want atm and small amounts of P and K which it does want. Hence the burnt tips.

Id be feeding it what it wants unless it decides to reveg, in which case id then feed veg nutes. May need some magnesium to.

Cletus clem

Well-Known Member
Its in flower mode, it wants P and K. Apart from one watering its been getting Veg nutes.

So you have a plant getting lots of N which it doesn't want atm and small amounts of P and K which it does want. Hence the burnt tips.

Id be feeding it what it wants unless it decides to reveg, in which case id then feed veg nutes. May need some magnesium to.
A plant in early flower, on the verge of re vegging will be just fine with veg nutes. Its more than likely a ph/root zone issue. People often under feed N in early flower resulting in premature fade. This is a poor diagnosis and advice. No disrespect, thats just how it is.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
A plant in early flower, on the verge of re vegging will be just fine with veg nutes. Its more than likely a ph/root zone issue. People often under feed N in early flower resulting in premature fade. This is a poor diagnosis and advice. No disrespect, thats just how it is.
None taken. I don't give a rats arse if you agree with me or not. No disrespect meant. I think he has a N issue and pumping more N in wont help. He already knows he has a root zone issue. He can take my opinion or ignore it its no skin off my nose.
To be reveging he must be allot further N than me.

OP if you haven't already stuck your head in come say G'day https://www.rollitup.org/t/aussie-growers-thread.250691/
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Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Is @cletus clem giving advice for soil or coco because he's saying soil and the OP is saying coco.
I do not see where you describe exactly what you have been feeding and in what quantities for the last couple of weeks.
It would have been easier to diagnose at an earlier stage, the problem looks like it began a while back.
Are the heathy looking plants in the same medium as the sick plant? If yes have you treated them the same?


Well-Known Member
The crap one is nute burnt, flush , dont feed or water again until its recovered.
A good guide to outdoor planting in AUS is not before Oct 20 and dont have them going from 18+ hours in grow room to 13 hours outside, this will trigger flowering for sure. Start them in the sun.