Whats wrong with my plant? I am guessing I overwatered (Pics)


So my plant is sick and I don't know what to do. The leaves are skinny and curled down and in, some of the leaves are yellow, and the overall growth of the plant is just weak. The stems are also brownish purple. All of these signs show me that the plant's nutrients are off.

The girl is 5 or 6 week old (4 weeks veg, 2 flower) and has seen her fair share of abuse. I was watering her waaayyy too much and giving her wayy too many nutes. She was highly nute burned so I began the soil cleansing process. I flushed the soil with clearex once or twice a week for atleast 2 or 2.5 weeks. She is now on a 3 days dry 1 day wet watering schedule. I just gave her her first taste of nutes since she began to burn.

Whats wrong with my plant? Root Rot? Under/Overnuting? Under/Overwatering?

To show the contrast, the first picture is my first plant at the same stage in her life.



Active Member
Well, you burned her badly. Then you starved her. All while turning her to flower. You did a good flush, so IMO, if you have started feeding her properly again, she should turn around. Doesn't look beyond recovery or anything. Keep in mind that she is a little hungry right now after the flush. I don't know what you're using, but if it's low N bloom foods, you may want to lean more towards veg nutes until she greens up again.


that sound like exactly what happened. I burned her bad and flushed the fuck outta her. I gave her a half serving of fox farm flowering nutes. I plan to water her with distilled water next time and then take your advice and give her some fox farm veg nutes

thanks for the help


Active Member
You should be feeder her more than just flower nutes. You should still be using grow and micro. 1-2-3.


Hey londonfog whats up dude. long time no see

that cheese turned out wonderful. I ended up nute burning the hell outta my girl but still got over 2 ounces! (70.3 grams to be exact but whos counting. It is def a cheese smoke and is very potent. Growing your own marijuana is a dream! All the pot I can smoke and a steady income from my friends.

I'll keep you posted on this girl too. She is doing much better since her last pic. I also plan to start my DNA - LA Woman seed i got from the Attitude (25 bucks per seed). It has been in an air tight container in my freezer for like 6 months. I hope it'll work so stay tuned...