Whats wrong with my plant leaves Pics Included


Well-Known Member
What's up with all those fat leaves? You may want to check into that...dno if it's a mutation Orr like boron deficiency


Well-Known Member
3rd pic top leaves are crazy to me...honestly I'm freaking for you as they look hella strange bro...and the bottom is realllll glossy so maybe n tox? But I'm not saying it is forsure, but look up boron deficiency because I know 1 thing is overly large tips, and those are round as hell...I'm so confused


Well-Known Member
Could be a magnesium deficiency. Part B is the only one of the two that even has any magnesium it it. Add more calmag or adjust feeding ratios.

Yes, I know everyone suggest calmag but this time its actually needed.


Well-Known Member
New growth looks nice.

I'd strongly suggest a bigger pot for flowering, and if you add great soil for your transplant that should take care of a lot of issues.

The issue looks like a nitrogen toxicity a little to me, mainly because of the crispy yellow outside and the "clawing."

It should grow out of it, but keep an eye on it none the less cuz I could be wrong


Well-Known Member
New growth looks nice.

I'd strongly suggest a bigger pot for flowering, and if you add great soil for your transplant that should take care of a lot of issues.

The issue looks like a nitrogen toxicity a little to me, mainly because of the crispy yellow outside and the "clawing."

It should grow out of it, but keep an eye on it none the less cuz I could be wrong
Could be a little too much N. Another reason he should adjust his nutrient ratios a bit. But I don't think its bad enough to cause the necrotic spots and yellowing. Some of the leaves are a little dark and glossy and starting to claw a bit but not that bad otherwise. Also, some of the other leaves are just starting to show some blotching. I still stick with up your calmag a pinch and adjust your nute ratios. Use a little more of the B and a little less of the A, with slightly more calmag.