Aprix. 1 month of veg. 1L pots 18h light/day. Been using 2ml/liter of biogrow, 4ml/liter of bioheaven and 4 ml/liter of rootjuice. Can anyone tell me what i’m doing wrong? I want to put my plants outside but i want to get rid of the problem first.
This obsession with small pots is getting out if hand around here. I'd love to know what's going through someones head when they post "what's wrong with my plant" "four weeks of veg" and "one litre pot" in one sentence.
Aprix. 1 month of veg. 1L pots 18h light/day. Been using 2ml/liter of biogrow, 4ml/liter of bioheaven and 4 ml/liter of rootjuice. Can anyone tell me what i’m doing wrong? I want to put my plants outside but i want to get rid of the problem first.
This obsession with small pots is getting out if hand around here. I'd love to know what's going through someones head when they post "what's wrong with my plant" "four weeks of veg" and "one litre pot" in one sentence.