try to dial it in with a specific soil mix, and then finetuning it from there.
one thing i like to stress to people is to try a grow without ever adding anything to the soil.
see how far a plant can actually go with nothing but the soil and water, you'd be amazed on how LITTLE the plant actually needs.
i prefer simpler mixes with compost, steer manure, kelp and alfalfa as the inputs.
I also avoid coco, many will disagree with that, but in my experience, peat is the preferred media.
one of the most profound realizations i've ever had was realizing that cannabis is a plant that grows best off it's own detritus from the previous years growth, so i prefer to amend an existing soil mix with composted cannabis leaves and stems from previous grows, THAT coupled with steer manure, alfalfa and kelp gets me the best results i've ever had in over 30 yrs of growing. I have gallons and gallons of soil that is decades old.
even omitting the manure, JUST kelp, alfalfa and cannabis compost will get you the best results you've ever had.
Taste, quality, and yield.
with an emphasis on TASTE.