whats wrong with my plant?


Active Member
pictures are kind blury but a camera phones all i got. but yea i have hade it for a long as time now and i found out that since i kept screwing around with the light cycle i included time into the vegging and last time i measured my plant its was 33 inches tall which idk how much is in ft Lol . but my plant has a lot of problems as well. im still not sure of the sex . i took a picture of 2 hairs i seen on the plant but the plant has some weird looking things coming out at the end of some other sides as well . and i think its drying up because at the bottom of the stem it looks kinda dried up but the rest of the plant is healthy looking besides some leafs that started to fall of the branches . can you guys help a brother out?? and if you want to know more info i do have it on the 12/12 i give it miracle grow 1 time a week. i use clf bubs and im going to transplant it as soon as i get more dirt.



Well-Known Member
that looks like a lady to me.. the spots on yoour stem are roots trying to come out. your plant may be root bound. how big is the pot it's in? may need to transplant to bigger one. Good luck and good growing!!!


Active Member
She looks like a fine lady to me but yes she is getting big and her roots are running out of room. Transplant into a bigger pot and also give her more light and she will prosper.


Well-Known Member
only 2 cfls? you need at least 6-8 42w positioned so the whole plant is getting lots of direct light imo. got a closet you dont use or got a cabinet/dresser/whatever you dont mind converting into a grow box? that way the light will be reflected alot better. your losing half your light approx since the light wont get bounced back like it would if they are in a growbox or closet with the walls reflecting it back. the stems that are starting to look *woody* is normal. it appears female, make sure your strict with your 12/12 cycle and turn lights on and off at the same time every single day and make sure you have total darkness uninterupted, it can/does confuse the plant and it will hermie if you dont have the 12 hr dark time lightproof and flowering will be delayed.


Well-Known Member
i forgot to say/ask this in my 1rst reply ,it looks very good for a plant being grown with only 2 cfls. is that red spot on pic 2 a bug?

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
actually i dunno wat it is
grab a pair of tweezers, and poke at that red thing, if it moves grab it and put it in a clear bag, take a pic and then kill it if you can, if you cant take a pic then just kill it. plant looks healthy and looks to be rootbound. general rule of thumb, for every foot your plant grows you need a pot to hold that many gallons. ie if you have a 3 foot plant at the end of your veg cycle, expect it to double in size to be safe, you will probably want at least a 5-6 gallon pot to grow in for its full life cycle. i veged my plants to about 8" and expect them to get no more than 24" so i used 3 gallon pots. im lazy and don't like to transplant so i just start them off in their final pot.

oh yea, and more lights! your plant will love you for it, and in return you'll love yourself more for doing so when its time for harvest.


Well-Known Member
lookin good wedo

you def need more light and a sealed room for flowering, im afraid youll end up with a hermaphrodite if her dark cycle is interrupted too much

also miracle grow is not the ideal nutrient for marijuana growing