What's wrong with my plant


Well-Known Member
This plant is about a foot tall and I just transplanted it from a cup outside to a 2 gallon pot outside as well. I mixed Miracle Grow garden mix with the surrounding soil. ( i dug down 1 foot down before gathering soil to mix with the MG ) I also water it with water that has been standing for at least 3 days. I was wondering does this look like shock from transplanting or is this a N deficiency ? heeelllp :confused:



Well-Known Member
are u using any nutes

No I just have MG garden soil mix * bag stuff * and normal soil..I got the ground soil by digging down 1 foot to get the good stuff down below.. then after my plants got root bound in there cup * beer pong cups * I moved them to a 2 gal pot with the mix described above. Do you think I have a N deficiency maybe? The soil is fresh from the bag and I am sure the ground soil in La county isn't that crappy...:cry:


Well-Known Member
to me it does look as if its the n, check the back of the mg bag and se what % of it is in there....
exactly what mine looks like but not only has it got the softer sagging yellow parts it has crispy brown bits too, no-one helped but hope you can get it sorted out sooner rather than later


Well-Known Member
should I just get some MG tomato feeder nutes? I know that stuff has alot of salts that get left over so is there any suggestions that any one has as to what i should use ?

Maybe like a guano tea or something so I don't burn my plants lol...i have a habbit of overdoing corrections, that's why i'm writing on here instead of feeding my plants a whole bunch of stuff they might not need..


Well-Known Member
To me this looks like a pH issue, as well as synthetic nute issues. MG is not a good choice for our fav ladies. It can work but it has to be under the right conditions, and pretreated before you use it. I always stay away from MG, there are so many other options out there that will give you better results and allow you to "control" your nute levels. If you are using distilled water that has sat around chances are that the pH in that water has balanced back to 7.0. You will need to bring that down in order for the plant to use any of the available nutes that it is already exposed to. if she is a foot tall then she is at a good age to take nutes, but i would go get something from the FF line or something like them for the rest of this grow.

The levels of the MG are good but again this is a synthetic chemical nute rather than something that is brewed and naturally put together. Get you something to lower the pH and test it and i think shell come around


Well-Known Member
to me it does look as if its the n, check the back of the mg bag and se what % of it is in there....
this is almost correct, if pH isnt right the plant cant "up take" the N part of the nutes let alone any other nute that is in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any ideas or personal experiences with this kind of problem because all I have ever found is those damn ph stick's you stick in your soil that doesn't tell you shit about the soil only that it's 7.0. You know the metal stick's you can stick in vinegar and what ever else you want and still get the same reading lol..where do I get the good ph tester's at ? and how would I balance my soil? any additives that I would need to get ?


You can get pH meters with LCD read-outs and PH down at your local hydroponic store, or online. Aquariums/Fish stores also have pH down I believe, not sure if they carry pH meters.

Edit - I've never grown in soil, but from research I think the pH needs to be around 6.5 or so.


Well-Known Member
Alright Ill see what I can do..I think when I added more Nutes to the soil it corrected the problem..I have another thread up and people are telling me there looking hot so i am confident now

thank you for the help :-)