What's wrong with my plant?


I'm running 2 autos and 2 reg plants for my first grow, they are under about 250w of cfls, they are about a couple weeks into veg. I used just premium potting soil with a mix of perlite and some verm, 65/30/5 mix about. I know I probably shouldn't be running autos and regs together because of different life cycles but it's my first go and I wanted to try both to contrast and see what the difference is.anyways all my plants are doing great, except the regular strained OG. In particular spots the leaves began to turn from a yellow to a brown, and become crispy. When I look closely it's almost as if a layer of the leaf has been eaten away at affected spots. Effected spots are not consistent with each other either.. Take a look at the pics, one is from the upper portion of the plant, the other near the top.I have moved the lights up just incase it was getting to hot, I increased circulation as well. I sprayed neem oil just incase it was mites, however I haven't spotted an actual mite yet. I've been watering every second day around a cup of water, and it seems to be working good.


Po boy

Well-Known Member
does the premium soil have fertilizer in it? if so, then it's probably nute burn. doesn't look bad, and nice leaf color. GL


Yeah it has fertilizer, and the perilite has a small amount too. The other plants are fine and have the same soil mix too, I've only fed them water. What could I do, just wait it out?