What's wrong with my plant?


I have 4 plants this one is alot lighter green than the others they are all the same strain and she doesn't seem to be drinking the water anyone can help? The leaves are also clawing and have markings the tips of some top leaves are brown right at the tip.

I'm two weeks into flower


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
are you a uk man?

im sure if you type old timer plant magic in google you get a site like this one, but with plant magic reps on and a q and a section.....

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
oh and if there were started from seed (id say so) even if they are the same strain some will like more food some will like less. its like my kids they all came from my ball bag, but there all different!!

and to get a proper answer you need to provide ALL the info, room temps, difference between day n night temps, medium, how often you water etc

otherwise i could see yellowing leafs n just say N def......feed more.