Whats wrong with my plants???


I am not sure whats wrong with my plants..they are in sunshine mix and have been feed one time..didnt go full strength..and have sprayed once organic Insect soap. I have some in pots and some in the ground and like the ones in pots there are a few that are wilting or curling under.I have examined leaves no visible bugs..any advice?? Have included pics of plants..the healthy ones and sick.This is my first grow outdoors(had one grow indoors not great results) so any advice is appreciated!!! Thanks



Well-Known Member
The plants look good and I'd guess those deformed leaves are from weird genetics. Sometimes when you go through a breeder like Nirvana, you get some unstable genes and those odd looking leaves are the result.


Thanks for reply..the only thing is all but three(which are in ground and have pre-flowering problem, cloned from flowering plant) are from same strain from clones and not all are affected(fingers crossed yet) look at pics of healthy ones. If it is genes what can I do to help them along...it is spreading throughout the plants and all leaves are wilting:(


Well-Known Member
Oh, if they're all the same genetics, then I was totally wrong. If it's not bugs or genetics, then I say just concentrate on the healthy ones ;).


Started 20 days ago used Ortho Ecosense Insecticdal soap(for organic veggie gardens) then 14 days later applied Ortho Ecosense Outdoor insect killer instead of the soap..I had seen ants around and on some of my in ground plants and gnats(?)... and slug trails so made border around it with slug killer. The ones in pots though got me stumped, but if they are in two different grow environments,and have same problem with leaves it must be something I am doing..I just want to know what can I do or what am I suppose to look for


Active Member
i dont know boss those leaves look like they have or are being attacked by mites or posibly thrips?? you should chek closer on the underside of the leaves those spider mites are small and hard to see somtimes especially if you dont know what your looking for, thrips are the same.


Took a look 12 benji I think I do got bugs posted pics in my journal..are those thripes?I saw three different kinds not all over just a couple on different plants some are winged ..dont know what they are