Whats wrong with my seedling? ( PICS )


Well-Known Member
10-54-10 should be fine, is it shultz?

When you got to 20% humidity what was the temp of your room?

Also placing a large tank, or maybe lots of small bottles of cold water in the room, will lower the temp down slightly by absorbing the heat from your lights. When the water warms then replace with cold water. This practice may also increase your humidity tho Im not sure how effective it will be for humidity purposes.


Well-Known Member
ya thats the name of the nutes shultz.

alright placed a couple bowls of water in the room humidity is up to about
27% still low.

also my temps seem to range from 80-84 degrees pretty hot in there and i got 2 small fans going im wondering if this is drying them out too. really i need a better room. but for now this is how im going to have to finish these onse.

also for some reason im having a hard time getting seeds to sprout..

i put them in paper towel then into a plastic container in the dark. they get a root within 24-72 hours then iether A: the root falls off like root rot.. or B: i stick them in the rockwool and put them under the lights and they dont ever come up instead dry right out.. or C: i put them in rockwool put them back into the plastic container and they die from root rot in the rockwool.

im pretty sure that the lowryder is a female. seems like more hairs daily now. pretty fast actually from seedling to buds...

i got to leave in a week soon and going to have a friend come over and check on them.. he knows nothing so hopefully i dont lose them.

Edit little update of pics:

just a pics of the room for now. big mess not enough space.



Well-Known Member
Little update.. plants seem to be doing alright.. i added some more dyna grow nutes.. barely ANYTHING though.

humidity up to 35-40% with a humidifier got a cool moisture one.. also takes the temps down a TINY bit.. still got like 80-85 degrees in there.

but i still got one problems.. seems like ALL the plants now the leafs are curling upwards.. the rusting on the leafs is going away. any ideas? im guessing its just too hot in there?

well some pics below.

All the plants.. tubs might be starting to get too small.. the smaller plans arent getting good light anymore.

the best looking plant its a kush. really bushy but still pretty small...



Active Member
The leaves curl up in response to too much heat, they are trying to present less surface area to the light source. You've been saying it all along, its simply too hot in there. Misting them early on might have made it worse as water on the leaves is a magnifier for the light.
Also, with temps that high you are almost guaranteed to have rez problems, either algae or root rot...
Maybe get a portable A/C, or an aquarium chiller?


Well-Known Member
Well i just got back from my trip tonight.. and my friend watching them let the water levels go WAY down.. about 3 inches or so below net pots. the plants are extremely droopy.. i checked the ph of the res and there at about 5.4 i just added some more water for tonight.. but alot of the lower leafs are yellow and dead or crusty dead. so i pretty much juts picked off the main dead onse..

i dont have my camera handy but ill post some pics tommorow i guess. they are really droopy even the small plants are getting really yellow but 3 of them are confirmed females now but too bad all the lowryder onse. prob not much bud from them.

is it ok that i picked off the yellow leafs some are just droppy yellow and some were crusty yellow and forsure dead. do i leaf the droopy yellow onse alone?? they may come back?

i need to bring these baby's back.. 2 of them are ready to go into flowering and the 3 females are just lowryder so they are already autoflowering.


Well-Known Member
alright a couple pics.. doesnt really show the yellowing that bad though..

also im going to stick the bigger onse into flowering now i think.. going to wally mart to get some BIG BIG tubs and some SMALL onse for the onse that need veg.. going to have to make them seperated.

my question is does a lowryder flower better under 12/12 or the exact same as if it was under 24/0 light?? and do you think some of these are ready for flowering yet? or should i veg longer??




Well-Known Member
decided to put 5 plants into flowering.. hope im doing that right.. and took the small onse out left them to veg..

they used to be all mixed together so the baby onse were getting nutes..

Is it alright if i pick off the dying leafs? i got a full bowl now of yellow leafs and they dont seem to be getting much better :(

here is updated pics new res in both of the tubs and now both have seperate rooms. should i be taking a clone right now from the 1 plant in flowering stage? before i start to flower it? and if i do clone it do i take the very bottom leafs to clone??




Well-Known Member
dude when leaves "V"they are getting too much light. back it down to 20/4 or 18/6. first 3 weeks go 24 as long as its high kelvin low heat flouro. superthrive, ionised water,, nutes (chelated with micro all half strength. set you ph around 6 dont over water, increase everything in "dog years" IE; if you want to start hackin give it seven days to heel. also I use the shit out of 30 % hydro oxide with phose boost. Is my light too much for my closet. I ordered seeds one time from nirvana and they are all male.


Well-Known Member
if these are all lowryre than you dont put them into bud
they do it them selfs they are auto 18/6
LR does not like heavy feeding
you should try soil it is easier more forgivng,but you have done well desipe all the problems


Well-Known Member
ya the lowryders are already auto flowering and there no good for cloning.. im just hoping for 1 male.. so far of the 6 plants 4 are female.. kinda want 1 male to make some seeds.

And wow i just checked on my kush plant cause i wanted to take some clones lol and i chopped off 2 leafs/stem things by accident but while i was doing it.. i found a couple little white hairs comming out of it.. now i dont think i want to put this one into flowering anymore.. whats the best bet? keep it as my mother plant and move it into that veg room? its kinda big already like 1 foot tall by about 2 feet wide.. and you say take max of like 7 clones from it?

after i take a clone i stuck them into a netpot so the clone sticks out the bottom and cut a rockwool in half and put it around it and filled with hydrotron rocks.. where should i place these clones? into a bubbler? or just place them into a tuppaware container with a lid on it and keep it moist till i see some roots?

going to cut about 7 total from it and put it back under the veg lights i think. whats the best method to clone.. i been trying to read on the site but search brings up a bunch of garbage so far..

Edit: well i just chopped 6 clones from it.. not sure if i fucked up bad or what but its looking kind of bald now.. will this thing work for a cloner? or should i just stick all of my clones into a bubbler tub under 4x flourecent lights 48 inch?? i was thinking use this cupcake holder for now.. and put the dome ontop and just keep filling these netpots about 1cm deep with water till they get roots..

ANY quick responses? i didnt use any nutes just plain tap water that i PH'd to 6.0 cut them at 45 degree angles and poked them through the netpot. hopefully the main plant doesnt just go and die...

wow if it couldnt get ANY better!! my flourecent light just fell on the damn thing and cut its head off the best plant i had.. so well i topped the plant and tried to make a clone from the head.. really hope something survives.. im guessing the clones and the whole plant will be dead soon :(

pic of what i got going.. will clones survive like this? im thinking just spray them 2x a day about. should have just flowered the beast was my best plant. now a headless one.



Well-Known Member
so i tried to read all the thread but i missed some iguess
what kind of kush you got

the plant should live as long as you left the fan leaves
no nutes and keep it back out of the bright lite for a bit

yeah clones under flo and no nutes


Well-Known Member
little update..

so the mother i tried to clone looks stunted.. not quite dead yet. the clones i got 9 of them and pretty much all look like there dying.. if there all laying over there just going to die right? ill still wait them out and see if anything survivies.

the 4 i have in my flowering room all look to be females.. so far everything ive got has been a female some how. there comming along good for 3 lowryders and 1 kush.

i got a question i got a energy saver guy comming over in a week he needs to check all the walls the furnace electrical and insulation.. im renovating my house right now so everything is torn apart.. IT REAKS badly in this house.. will it be ok if i take all my tubs and place them under 2 saw horses with a blanket over them until the guy leaves? maby spray the house down really good with some air freshner.

i will get a rebate of like $3000 for my renovations so its well worth letting the guy in here heh. i need to do something about the smell though soon as the whole house is starting to take on the smell..

here is a pic of the flower room:



Well-Known Member
Oooh sounds a bit risky to me! Is there anywhere in the house He wont need to go???

If there is then put them in there and keep the door shut!

Other wise covering them up with as much as possible is your best bet. I dunno wat you guys have in the states but over the pond We have a product called Febreeze which is only lightly scented but works miracles at Deodourising, I would find something like that if you can.

Its good to see your still going strong tho dude, Good luck.


Well-Known Member
correct me if i'm wrong but using tap water isn't to great of an idea (especially in big cities where more chemicals are used to keep the water "safe"). most tap water contains chlorine which would help dry up your plant. just putting it out there.


Well-Known Member
flower room is looking good... will the hairs turn color on there own??

also.. one of my plants in the flower room is a KUSH and seems to be growing like 1-2 inches per night it actually looks like its getting stretched is that alright?? so far 5/11 are females havent spotted a male plant yet.

another question is how late is TOO late to make seeds? im kinda hoping for a male low ryder so i can make seeds off these females... when is too late to spread the pollen??

also how tall would you get a plant before you start flowering.. i have 5 more plants there all about 8-9 inches tall. 7-9 nodes on them.

Update Pic:



Well-Known Member
First things first well done :wink:

Considering you were contemplating throwing these out not so long ago you should be very pleased with yourself for sticking with them :-P

You should usually notice a stretch for the first 2 - 3 weeks of flowering so I wouldn't worry too much about the Kush. How long have these been flowering now???

Your plants at the end of flowering should be between 2-3 times taller than when you started flowering them, this should help you to decide when to start flowering.

The hairs/pistils will indeed change colour on their own, you should read up on their function and behaviour during different stages of flowering so you can choose when you want to harvest your plants. I prefer to harvest when 3/4's of the pistils have turned brown as I find I get a slighty heavier dry weight and the smoke is not so trippy :shock: But thats me ;-)

Also how are the clones? And did the energy guy make his visit yet?

Keep up the good work dude!


Well-Known Member
23rd is the energy guy.. so i think im putting my tubs into an old deep freezer lol.
and maby put the others under a blanket..

the clones are not doing good at all.. my cloner is leaking and ive been to lazy to make a new tub right now.. so the water is only on like 1-2 times a day for 5 mins heh. the mother plant is growing but not regrowing the areas i snipped off.

ive been renovating my entire house so kinda been putting the plants on the back burner till i get this place done.. it looks like an old abandoned house right now.. haha built 1908.
they have been in flowering maby a week and 2 days now??



Well-Known Member
little update pics.. the plant in the back right corner is taking off. tiny bit of yellowing going on, all my leafs on the 4 plants in the flowering room just on the tips of the leafs.. anything to be worried about? or that normal during flowering?

the close up of the plant shows a huge 1 inch hair thats female im sure getting a lot of them all over.. cant really get good close ups anymore with my camera screwed.

when is to late to pollinate a female to make seeds??

hm forum wont let me upload had to use free image host..



Well-Known Member
Looking good!

I would count back around 4 -5 weeks from the plants finish date and pollinate then, ie, if the plant takes 8 weeks to flower then pollinate around week 4 of flowering.

Also the seeds continue to mature while the plant is drying so don't remove them for a week or two after the cut the plant down.

How are you going to pollinate? Are you going to pollinate a whole plant or just a branch?


Well-Known Member
Just noticed picture 3, is that a dead plant in the middle of the system?

If it is then its best to get rid of that mate, it is serving no purpose other than to attract pests or disease to your other plants.