Freddie Millergogo
Well-Known Member
So you accept the rule of your plutocratic overlords?
I don't. I'm also expecting a big swing of the pendulum against them in the next few years.
Quack the Chump will certainly help see to that.
No I loathe them. I just think the debate against socialism and capitalism is a waste of time. The bankers and elites are in control. Trump? I am indifferent - he is disliked by the UniParty - aka Democrats/Republicans.
As far as pot in legal states? If conservatives want to Constitutionally honest? It is a States Rights issue.
Colorado has a pretty good system where towns and counties can decide how to enforce it but stay true to the State Constitution. Still - the states with legal have corrupt crony licensing especially Nevada.
State Dept? The evil twin sister of the CIA. What those evil Neocons there aka Victoria Nudelman/Nuland asst sec of the State Dept and her husband Robert Kagin (a supposed Republican who voted for Hillary) have done is beyond evil with phony color revolutions and Arab Spring lies.
How many innocent people were murdered by the State Dept/CIA/NeoCons in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and a few others? Well probably at least 250,000 in Syria alone.