What's wrong with the babies?


Clearly very new to this, I started these from a a good bag just for fun, but it's addicting! Started them in plain old potting soil, transplanted to big pots with potting soil, kept them inside under lights (not enough) on a 24 hour cycle and then DH insisted we put them outside, now they get full sun, it's about 80 here most days. They've been outside for two weeks. Third node on biggest plant was pinched first and a week later I pinched the other two plants. About a week ago the stems started turning purple and now the lower leaves on the biggest ones are purple and the lower ones are yellowing.

My first question. Could they be trying to flower b/c of the light change even though they are too young?

Why the purple? and the leaves on the most purple plant are kind of crisp and folding inward.

Also, the new growth is extremely clustered, is that how it's supposed to be with proper light?

Tell me what you thing, but try to be nice, as I'm doing this for a hobby, and not trying to invest here, i know I made a lot of mistakes.




Well-Known Member
well from the looks of the bottom set of leaves it looks like the plant is suffering from Nitrogen(N) defficiency. add a little Blood Meal/Worm Castings/Bat Guano or Fish Emulsion to your soil. 1/3 of the packages recommended dosage only otherwise you could burn you plants. Another problem i see is that it appears your are either over or under-watering. Thats the reason for your plants leaves to curl downward like that. Buy a moisture wand to determine when to water your little girls. To cure the problem for now, flush the plants soils completely then allow the soil to completely dry out.. once the soil is completely dry the plant should bring itself back to life and help the leaves to stand back up. Marijuana can withstand some pretty rough conditions so dont water until the soil dries out completely. Watering too much leads to root rot and that will either stunt the plants growth or kill it or both! hope that helps! good luck!


Thank you so much! That makes perfect sense, will fert and flush!

Do you think the N deficiency is causing the purpling?