Whats wrong with the plants? :(

Too much water? Using starter mix with perlite and a little bit of cheap lightly ferted soil.
Waiting on my seaweed and fish fertilizer from neptunes harvest.

Plants under 200w mh 25w led and 25w fluorescent grow light.


Well-Known Member
don't use nutes on seedling at that age. let them grow a little first. that looks like burn imo. happy growing maybe a lil over watering too


Active Member
at how bad the yellowing is its definalty a mix of over watering and nute burn. your second tear of leaves are folding down towards the soil this is an automatic sign or over watering. add the yellow and u know thats a factor. but the entire bottom leves are yellow and that to me says you got nutrients mixed in water on the bottom leaves while trying to water it. the lighjt will burn the water off the leaves and if there is nutients in the water it scares the leaf yello. do7ubful its light burn. you need to increase drainage of the water and allow hotter room temp for the plant. keep in mind weed is happiest between 70 and 85 degres. i saw 77 is ideal. the light may not be close enough as well what size light are you using and how far away is it
Thank you, very helpful, the 200 w light is about 4 foot away, I got the LED about 5 inches above it. And I shut the other light off as it was too hot, all these are plugged into 3 different lamp cords, is that to hot for the cords and shit? I'm going to mix some perlite and use my neptunes harvest to transplant in a couple of days when it gets here, or should I keep them in this soil? any quick fixes for this yellowing and do I need a ballast for these bulbs?


Active Member
If the plants start to stretch get long skinny stems then the light Is to far away? Make sure your 200 watt bulb isn't a heat bulb used in bathrooms or tanning u can get 200 watt bulbs that are not heated but will still feel very worm and they are gododod because the plants like temps between 75-85 degrees. The hood helps reflect light so it's recommended but not neccasry. U can keep original soil as long as its not been long than its life expectancy, each bag of soil says for how long it should last. U can't just use perlite alone it's just to allow better drainage and isn't soil.
Gaga I would never use perlite alone its mixed in, and I cut the yellow leaves off yesterday and transplanted into my secret mix lol and there green now and growing fast


Active Member
Seedlings DON'T need food!
Light is all they need at that stage.

Always let your soil dry out before watering.
The dry soil stimulates the roots to seek out a new water sources and get larger.
Big Root Ball= Big Buds


Well-Known Member
over fed and watered.. treat that baby plant like a cactus, only when its dry feed it like everyone else is saying..


Active Member
Ugh.. I wouldn't of cut off those leaves I don't know what idiot told u to do that, uve seriously stressed out that little seedling, the pallants growing better from the other steps you've take not the trimming, never trim unless its necessary...

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
Too much water. If they yellow from the bottom up it's over watered. If they yellow from the top it's neuts. Though not enough light could cause them to yellow and die below but as small as they are I would go with too much water. It is good to let them try out a little. It promotes root growth. The plant will stretch them out to seek water. Just don't let them get bone dry.

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
Ugh.. I wouldn't of cut off those leaves I don't know what idiot told u to do that, uve seriously stressed out that little seedling, the pallants growing better from the other steps you've take not the trimming, never trim unless its necessary...
Yea what he said.

Don't remove the leaves unless you see necrosis. It can bounce back and green up. Even if half the leaf is brown and dead you can cut the dead parts off and still have a functioning leaf. Just use sterile snips! Plants can get infected cuts too...