whats wrong with them???


Well-Known Member
they are 35 old, 400w hps ,soil, first time fertilized and with full doses as manual says (hesi) 4/6 looks like this..
IMG_20150509_185807.jpg IMG_20150509_185813.jpg IMG_20150509_185818.jpg IMG_20150509_185828.jpg IMG_20150509_185840.jpg IMG_20150509_185849.jpg IMG_20150509_191635.jpg IMG_20150509_191642.jpg IMG_20150509_191654.jpg IMG_20150509_191700.jpg


Well-Known Member
Pics was taken after "light flush" coz i cant do proper ( i'v in guerilla grow) so i flush 18l pots with 10l of 6.0 water.. my runoff was about the same (6.2ph).., I must say that in the begining i didnt have ph tester so ph was accurate only last 2 watering, some people told me that i owerwather them and its ph lock because of to mush salt.. this simptoms happned after my first fertilaze with hesi start kit 8i went full dosages).. and i alwas left my runoff water to plants drink after watering them..so some people told me that is mistake..


Well-Known Member
i checked them yesterday they growing in height and flowering like there is nothig wrong wing them,i have to pull up CT every day about 5cm.. i keep CT 35cm from top of my plants..


Well-Known Member
So whats my next step to do now?? should i go with half doses of everything with next watering or should i water them next few times without nutes?


Well-Known Member
Sick of seeing this problem me now adays

why man?? i think my biggest mistake is that i overwater them and plus left them in runoff water so they drink it up... i have 5 auto skunks from strain hunter and one supehash fom pyramd only one skunk didnt get that yellow leafs (of so litttle that's no bother) and super has got a few leaf tips yellow but maybe 1mm.. can it be that sera ph - (for fishes and aquarim) mess them up? coz last two watering i lower ph with that..