What’s wrong with them


New Member
hey guys I’m asking this for a friend of mine

He is using living coco as his medium and his plants were looking real healthy and now they look like this, does anyone have any idea what the problem may be I think it’s over watering but he doesn’t think that’s the problem
Any advice would help


  • E74A7B4B-0F9D-4A16-9BEE-7211B24494D7.png
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Still hard to say. The leafs look really swollen witch would indicate over watering. Remember over watering means it's been watered to many times not the amount you feed. You can water till it's coming out the bottom of the pot as long as you don't water again till it needs it. Looks locked out to. Best thing to do is stick your finger in and see if it's wet and heavy if so let her dry out. If you stick your finger in and it's dry and the pots really lite give a good watering.
as keepro said likely over water, could be humidity issues or heat stress as well, but the plants look rather heathly for heat stress so likely too much water.
they don't look too bad bad.

He needs to look at his temps and his watering schedule. Each plant is different and they won't all always require the same regiment.

If he's not keeping up with his watering schedule, I suggest keeping a log of some sort (journal, notebook, etc) as it is hard to keep up with plants, and if you have a job, or a family or a dog, or a video game addiction or anything else really going on in your life you'll lose track.

Maybe he went from watering every 3 days at 2pm to watering every 2 days at 4pm and never noticed....

And fuck memory - if you grow weed you smoke weed and can't remember what you wore the day before yesterday so how are you going to remember when you watered or if you accidentally changed it up?
Considering other possible causes. Them leaves are awfully crinkly for just over watering. Double check pH of feed and run off as too high or low pH can cause nute lock out. I had something slightly similar and it was due to nute lockout caused by a high PH of the feed in the reservoir.
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There are multiple deficiencies by the looks of your pics; most likely a result of pH. As Skidmarx noted, I would go back and double check your pH, both going in and out, at least for the sake of knowing. You may find your red flag there. Otherwise, it's almost impossible to over water if you're running 100% coco, unless you're allowing them to sit in their run off. Elaborate if you will on what this 'living coco' medium actually is. How often do you feed and what do you feed...are you pH'ing the feed / water and if so, to what?