What's wrong with these leaves?

Using AN 3-part, B-52, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag (maybe not enough???) I'm using RO water, but I'm only adding half of what is suggested because the label says if I'm using AN 3-part I won't need cal/mag (even when using RO water). I suspect this is incorrect, and any advice would be appreciated.

Running RDWC using LED's. Temp/RH/PH all good.

Check out the picts:

Thank you all!P1000481.jpgP1000482.jpgP1000484.jpgP1000491.jpgP1000492.jpgP1000493.jpgP1000494.jpgP1000495.jpgP1000496.jpgP1000499.jpgP1000501.jpgP1000502.jpg


Looks like a PH problem, I could be wrong but I've had some recently look the same and my PH was a little low after water change and only took 24-48 hours before leaves curl under and rust spots appear!! What's your ppm at?


Looks like a PH problem, I could be wrong but I've had some recently look the same and my PH was a little low after water change and only took 24-48 hours before leaves curl under and rust spots appear!! What's your ppm at? Second last shot looks like it's not getting enough nitrogen, good luck, maybe some of the more experienced growers can help?


ppm's are 5 - 600 ok what is the ec numuber or what kind is your tds meter? only asking cause it appears you are having a similar problem that i just had to figure out. if i were using my pen hanna tds4 tm with a 600 ppm reading i convert to a 1.2 ec . thats just my pen tho. if you have the other one that uses a .7 conversion 5 - 600 ppm equals roughly .8 - 1.0 ec. those plants are probably starving and eating its leaves searching for what it needs. mine went the other way lol by the time i caught it i had an ec around 4 and burnt the heck out of it. with my nutes im supposed to work up to a 1.8 ec in flower (equals 900ppm on my pen) then back it off to around 1.2 for the last week or two of flower. yours is different but the way the plants looks is almost dead on for what just happened. the way i caught mine was the crazy ph swing lol, your ph is probably super stable right now huh?


correct me if im wrong please everyone i dont know s&**. at 5.6 ph zinc and mangnesium are pretty much locked out. hence it looking like a severe zinc and mag . , combine that with above and i think your problem could be temporarily averted ,lol before the next one comes up...


Active Member
Question from a new guy. I have similar plants at the moment with up-curled leaves and a few yellow spots. While reading and trying to differentiate between nutrient overload or a cal/ mag deficiency in several threads regarding curled leaves such as this, is there a tale tale sign if it is only happening towards the top of the plant on the fan leaves. I have girls in veg, about six weeks from seed, about ten inches tall, ppm 950, pH 6.2, aeroponics. Thank you in advance.