whats wrong with this DWC ak-47 girl? Help me identify the problem. Pics included


Well-Known Member
hi guys....i have been having great success with the coolers, but this 1 ak47 lady has this problem....it has these spots only on the fan leaves. it has many more healthy leaves than unhealthy ones.

beleive it or not...i was thinking of scrapping this one for a minute, so i could start a clone from its healthy sister..but then i figured i should ask the pros first

its sister looks just like it, but without the spots....can you help me identify the potential problem??

and i am also wondering this....these ak47's are the most gangly looking of all my plants.

In your experiences, do ak47's just look like this...or is what you see attributed to my early problems?? tell me what ya think. Have ya grown them yourself? thanks for all the help! :weed:.....oh and for anyone who knows.....can you start a clone from the top of a plant?



whats up...i grown a few ak-47 and mine never look like that or have i seen one..but does your ph fluctuate? and if it does how often?



Well-Known Member
I would say it was a Magnesium problem. Usually caused by too much Calcium from hard water. OR your PH is too low.

The plant is fine, BUT I would flush with straight water, redo the nutrients. Try RO (reverse osmosis) water, if you don't have it; filters out the calcium. Make sure your PH is in the optimum range for your system.

Yes, you can clone from the top of the plant.


I agree that she looks like nutrient lock out. R.O. water will solve that but then be sure to use a calcium/magnesium/iron supplement in addition to your nutrients.

Your AK looks like a good phenotype.