What's wrong with this plant?


Active Member
Shortly after I put nutes in my water this started happening to the leaves of this plant. I flushed the plant a couple times but nothing changed. Most of the new leaves have the same discoloration as this. Any tips?




damaged caused by nutes does not magically go away when you fix the problem - it just stops the problem from doing worse..


Active Member
I added lime because I figured the ph might be screwed. I've heard different things about lime though, the main reason I got it was because I thought it would neutralize the acidity. Maybe i'll get some ph strips. Otherwise she looks pretty healthy eh?


Well-Known Member
what strength did you add the nutes at? What were the nutes called?

Also what type of water are you using? What type of medium ( soil )

Yeh like russor said, your leafs arent goign to just change back to emerald green. But hopefully you will be able to get some normal new growth soon : )


Active Member
Miracle gro potting soil, purified water with some custom under-the-sink built-in filterer, and the nutes.... Some green stuff that I add two very small spoonfills to a huge watering jug every other watering or so. I stopped the nutrients a few waterings ago because I thought that may have been the cause but it's been like two weeks since I flushed?


Well-Known Member
You must ph your water.

What strenght were the ferts added at. Full, 1/2 or 1/4 strength. Don't say 2 table. Look at the bottle and see what a normal size feeding is. Then give 1/4 of that.

But first get something so you can determine you ph levels.


Active Member
The only reason I say 2 table spoons is because the original container the nutes were in is long gone, replaced by a cheap plastic container for yogurt. I'll check the ph, thanks.


Active Member
what do you mean? OOH you mean to the paint supplies in the background? Maybe... but I rotate my plants around and that one is the only burned plant.