whats wrong with this plant?


Active Member
I have had this plant for 2 months, in veg, it is my first grow, and not sure what is wrong with it, I gave it some epsom salt yesterday thought it might be a mg def?



I have had this plant for 2 months, in veg, it is my first grow, and not sure what is wrong with it, I gave it some epsom salt yesterday thought it might be a mg def?
think ya could give a lil more info on what your feeding it,how much and often,your setup and all the important info. a simple pic does not always do it.


Active Member
hollyy shitt, how often are you watering it? are you foiler feeding it? giving it nutes every watering?
this is some bag seed I through in with my other stuff I had growing, it gets watered every 4-5 days, 1 week water, 1 week nutes, not really concerned with it, thought I would see if anyone has seen this before. Been like this for a while, just thought I would try to save it before I kill it.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap, that thing is looking pretty bad. :shock: Well, since there could be so many reasons for the problems, your best bet would be to flush it with some PH'ed water, then feed with 1/4-1/2 strength PH'ed fert. It's really hard to say what caused the problem, but most likely, it's nutrient lock. Some of the micro-nutrients are likely locked up, whether it's because of overfeeding or PH problems.


Active Member
Holy crap, that thing is looking pretty bad. :shock: Well, since there could be so many reasons for the problems, your best bet would be to flush it with some PH'ed water, then feed with 1/4-1/2 strength PH'ed fert. It's really hard to say what caused the problem, but most likely, it's nutrient lock. Some of the micro-nutrients are likely locked up, whether it's because of overfeeding or PH problems.
I flushed it today with 6.5 ph'd water, then I gave it 1/4 strength nutes, lets see what happens in a few days.


Active Member
How many days would I give it, the spots on the leaves are moving up to the new growth now. Just wondering a few days or a week?


Active Member
well I pulled all the dead stems off, I believe I'm close to saving it, just seen it is a female, wonder how much bud it will put out, maybe a couple of grams?


Well-Known Member
whoa whoa!!!! do not flower!! transplant and water with some clean R/o water.. That plant is extremely deficient in nitrogen, as created by those big hunks of wood sucking out all the nitrogen... u wont see a decent turn around until u get that roots some decent soil. shit anything is better than that, grab some miracle grow. and OVER night u will see that plant turn around.. Do not attempt to add nutrients. u need new fresh soil, and do what u can to get ONLY the root mass and none of that soil in the new container. be gentle. use a slow water flow. not hot. but lukewarm from ur tap.

and u should be good. but u need to consider that 6-10weeks of flowering, you will not get anything even consumable of any tiny size of mass. and truthfully, the plant will begin to flwoer and never finished.. all plant processes will slowly halt and the plant will SLowly die on you unless u get that soil out and new soil in... Big woody soils almost always lack nitrogen. This happened to me with one of my first grows. 5-6 yrs ago outdoors. i transplanted into some nice stuff and overnight this tiny stunted plant just tooooook off.


possibly root rot and or nutes are thru the roof. are the stems red any where? the best thing that i could do for your plant is to tell you it needs more room to grow and the roots are locked. pull plant scar root ball by scraping one or two sides of the root ball then transplant in fresh dirt with 1/4 to 1/2 rations of just nutes till it looks better. It will look better in a 5 to 10 gallon bucket.


Well-Known Member
it does look like a plant that i had that had mag diff
but i think u over did it on epsom salt
how much did u give it ?
i put 2 t spoons in a 90 ltr tank and that worked fine
its loking much better now tho
hopefully the flush sorted it 4 u
good luck
oh also i think ur ph should b @ 7.0 4 soil but im not sure


Active Member
it does look like a plant that i had that had mag diff
but i think u over did it on epsom salt
how much did u give it ?
i put 2 t spoons in a 90 ltr tank and that worked fine
its loking much better now tho
hopefully the flush sorted it 4 u
good luck
oh also i think ur ph should b @ 7.0 4 soil but im not sure
soil ph is 6.0 to 6.5, gave 1 tsp per gallon of water of salt, what is called for. I hope it dies as it will make room for some clones I got going.


Active Member
Hey how's it going guys and gals.

I would suggest a transplant as mentioned before, that plant looks almost like it has a combination of ailments
Possible nute lockout, due to the ph or salt content of your soil.
When you transplant try to use a soil with little peat moss, as it lowers your ph slowly.
Once transplanted water with 1/3 strength miracle grow and add a tablespoon of molasses per gallon.
See amazing results

Just a suggestion


Active Member
My book has a picture and it almost looks like toxic buildup of potassium or manganese. Potassium: Toxicity- often difficult to diagnose, slows absorptions of MG MN SN and FE. symtopms- curling tips, yellowing on edges with dark spots on leaves, also red spots on tips.
Manganese- toxicity: young and newer growth develop dark orange to rusty brown spots. first young leaves then spreading to older leaves. compounded by low humidity, causes deficiency in Fe and Zn.
Zn deficiency leaves contort turn crispy, dry out. intevenial chlorosis.
Fe deficiency- new growth is pale green, yellowing between veins starting at petiole. leaves often drop

Seems very infrequent to water, my plant was really slow with absorbing water until I added a fan to the room. What are you using for fert? whats the N-P-K and how strongly are you mixing the solution. its also hard to tell from that picture, but look at the sympoms and compare more pictures, the sticky on this topic page has some good pictures for problems


Active Member
Plant is doing great, all kinds of new growth, 2nd day in flowering, will get a pic later as its' bed time for the girls.:bigjoint: