Whats wrong with this plant?


Strain G13
400w T5 20/4
74 degrees lights on
Sunshine #4 soilless mix
ph 6.3
Nutes - AN Sensi A&B
170ppm base filtered water, water twice a week sometimes less depending on weight of pot.

You can see a side by side of the same plant. One is greener than a forest and the other looks like hell.

What have I tried to correct the problem?

-Flushed the plant with 5.8ph to 200ppm of runoff waited a whole week with zero change.

-Gave 1/4 strength A&B 600ppm , no change.

- Went to grow store, told my buddy there about it, gave me some foliar spray from H&G to try out. That is when I saw the spots on the leaves you see develop. Which was a week ago.

- 2 Days ago I gave her a full dose of Cal/mag, 2m/l mix. Now it is as you seen the photo even more spots on leaves developed. None of these treatments gave ANY new green to it. The plant doesnt really even
grow (its 5 weeks old mind you from a clone). I am at a loss here to whats wrong. I have 12 of these and 1 amazing green one and 11 that look like the defective one in the picture.

Please help!



Active Member
the one on the right look hungry the one on the left looks overwatered and almost overfed. looks like a touch of nute burn on the edge of the leaves


The one on the left is bone dry and about to be watered. I fed right one multiple times and even a foliar feed what else can it want. It was my impression that a 600ppm is a proper feed at this stage?


Active Member
i'm a soil grower and can't really help you out with the ppm side of things, are you giving them both equal feedings? are you preparing your water correctly? theres definitely not enough food getting to that light green plant and the dark green one is well fed, over/underwatering often looks similar, i thought it was overwatering due to its well fed appearance.


I guess its possible it might want more ppm. I thought it was a ph issue cause both the plants get fed the same, so I thought for sure it was a lockout of some kind, but when the flush proved otherwise I was at a loss what to try.

I will up the ppm to a full 3/4 dose which is around a 1000ppm and see what happens. I have a different one that I tried feeding it a lot the leaves never darkened only curled in like it was too much. I figured the spots on the leaves would tell someone exactly what its wanting.


Active Member
i know i've seen threads maybe even a sticky one about deficiencies, massive list etc, try having a look for it, might throw u into the right ballpark

good luck an all the best man


Active Member
I know I'm going to get hammered for saying this, as I have befor, but have you considered that it may be some kind of fungi attack???
If you ruled out cal/mag, ppm, lockout, and all the other usual suspects, fungus is a real possibility. Fungi attacks will look a LOT like cal/mag deficiancy or a number of other of the usual suspects, as there are literally hundreds of different kinds of fungas and molds that will attack marijuana. If you think that might be the problem, than try spraying the plant with either a commercial anti fungi spray or use backing soda 1 or 2 tbs per gal of water to up the ph on thwe leaves.