whats wrong?


my friend gave me his plant cuz he didn't wan to take care of it anymore. I took a clone of it cuz it was almost dead at the bottom.

after i planted the clone in the dirt i left it alone in my grow box and came back after 3 1/2 hours and the plant was all hanging.

Do you guys know what the problem is?


grow space

Well-Known Member
wtf-are fucking 12year old kid????i think so-sorry mate but do your homework before you lay your stupid ass shit all around this site.


Active Member
wtf-are fucking 12year old kid????i think so-sorry mate but do your homework before you lay your stupid ass shit all around this site.
wow, if you hate helping people why are you in the "marijuana help" section. we all started somewhere!

To HELP you with your problem, my clones do the same thing when they are first planted. Did you use a rooting hormone? once the roots start growing it will perk back up. You can help this by increasing the humidity too. Hope THIS helps more :bigjoint:

happy tokin

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
my friend gave me his plant cuz he didn't wan to take care of it anymore. I took a clone of it cuz it was almost dead at the bottom.

after i planted the clone in the dirt i left it alone in my grow box and came back after 3 1/2 hours and the plant was all hanging.

Do you guys know what the problem is?
How did you clone it?

If you just cut a branch off, dipped it in gel and stuck it in the dirt, it's going to die.

grow space

Well-Known Member
ok man-going into straight soils has really low sucsess rate-but i have dine it straight to soil and have not failed.put them in a dark glass, full of distilled water. and put some sort of a dome on to it .cut a 2 liter cola neck off and youl got yourself a home made humidity dome.change the air every day and keep that shit moist all the time.after 3-4 weeks you got yourself some roots, and then put it in the soil, not straight away.
good luck 12 year old kid....


I didn't use a gel for my cloning. I read that the clone can still survive without any gel. But that could be wrong info.

So to help my clone should i add a small cup of water to increase humidity or should i just let it be with the lights?

Regarding the lighting, how should I have it so it will be successful for the clone. Also I have a seedling that just sprouted today. So I need a light cycle that would be good for the clone and the sprout.


Active Member
put the clones and sprouts in 24hrs of light. go to your local grocery store and get a spray bottle, fill it with water and spray the lids twice daily. the sprouts love humidity also, it would make them grow like crazy if you put them in with the clones in their dome. just keep spraying your dome lid twice a day, youll have roots on those clones within 2 weeks. meaning, thats the longest amount of time it takes to root the plant if done correctly.


Active Member
ok man-going into straight soils has really low sucsess rate-but i have dine it straight to soil and have not failed.put them in a dark glass, full of distilled water. and put some sort of a dome on to it .cut a 2 liter cola neck off and youl got yourself a home made humidity dome.change the air every day and keep that shit moist all the time.after 3-4 weeks you got yourself some roots, and then put it in the soil, not straight away.
good luck 12 year old kid....
it shouldnt take 3-4 weeks, and the gel or powder is a hormone so it does help it sprout roots