Whats Wrong?


So i have these plants in a DWC set up. (My first grow) They're under about 8 23watt CFLs and 1 larger cfl. All are 6500k. I have them under 12/12 light cycle. Trying to flower from start. (so they dont outgrow my cab.) The nutrient solution is 12 - 7 -15, about half diluted.

The plants are cupping and some of the leaves are starting to brown at the tips. Figured its either over fert. or something to do with O2 in my water causing the roots to be overwatered. Wanted a more professional opinion. Anyone have any ideas?

p.s. sorry about the bad quality of the pics. Phone camera isnt the greatest :evil:



Well-Known Member
well for one those plants look like there is no leaves wat so ever on em two if ur on 12 /12 cycle id start over because they look extremely stretched and have no bud sites .. sounds like a ph problem or over fert... more along the lines of high ph

Del Boy

Whats your Ec readings in your nute tank?
looks like over fert.
Flush with Ph'ed water for a few days
then check ec daily (seedling/cuttings 0.8-1.2 ec, vegging 1.2-1.6 ec, full bloom 1.6-2.0 ec


Well-Known Member
looks like its had too much nutes and too much water, not sure how you over water in a hydro type grow tho...


Thanks for the advice, ill flush em and see how they do. If theres no rebound in a week ill scrap em. Got 2 starting behind. Hopefully have better luck with them.