What’s wrong?


New Member
I don’t want this thing to die it’s my first? Any idea what’s going on? Tip of leaves small white spot forming, would this be from light? Also using a 600w ledBC5F7B7E-EC31-4BE6-9FBC-EBC556858D21.jpeg0CAFA657-8555-4279-9746-BADADCB61917.jpeg489E5AEF-3316-4A1E-9479-F28774342990.jpeg
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Too big a pot, environment wrong and you cant read true air temps and humidity with meter in the light.

Mainly new growers put fans on their plants but a strong extraction is enough as plants dont like wind just A1 circulation.

If thats soil it will need zero ferts and additives for couple months because it has a lot of soil to use up first. Tbh its not bad for a first grow - mainly environments wrong for most and plant suffers too much moisture loss or overheating leaves :-)
Imo it looks like you may keep the light too close, also seems to be a bit of nutrient burn on the tips of the leaves. Not enough to worry about, but worth mentioning. What is the plant getting for nutrients and what kind of soil mix are you using? Providing that information in the future is sure to get you some more... Helpful... Responses. Lol

The pot is too big because the tiny plant can be overwatered/over fed/over saturated. When the soil is over saturated, regardless of additional nutrients, it can mess up the PH of your soil and that can lead to endless problems.

Please feel free to ask more questions and provide as much info as you can, if you're serious about improving your grow :)

new plants cannot tolerate the same high nutritient numbers than old plants do. in a smaller pot the plant can deplenish its sharp earth more quickly than in a big pot.
The last pot I had, was he roots of the plant started the grow out of the bottom! So deff needed to be re potted! But I’m using foxfarm ocean blend soil and I did use some miracle grow sta grow nutrients but it’s been like 2 weeks sense using it