What's your average yield per plant?


Well-Known Member
So I know strains, lights, nutrients, veg time, topping it, and many things will change how your yield is, so I'm curious when you started out what your yield was, and what it is now and what are some of the best things that helped increase the yield? I would think if your not getting at least 1-2 oz per plant your not doing something right, but others can get way more then this, so I'm curious what everyone is getting and what helped or hurt your yield.

So let's hear your yield first time and current if different, how many watts, strain and any tips that you think helped increase it.

What do you think topping a plant once, or twice or multiple times actually increases the yield from your own experience and how many times you do top it?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Canopy management is the big brother to topping. practice pinching, twisting and bending. find a few good strains and stay w them. the plants will guide you to bigger yields. talk to the plants, but mostly listen to them and not us. the thing about experience, there's no quick fix for that. also as time moves along it gradually becomes easier to increase yields w less effort. adequate lighting and veg time are answers that may make the best sense.


Well-Known Member
average yield on Pineapple express 200grams in a 30 gallon soil container Sour Cherry from Breeders Boutique about 166 grams


Well-Known Member
.82 to .91 gpw, strain dependent. Under 3 1000's, sealed, co2, blah blah blah. Wish I could hit 1 just once. Numbers do not include popcorn though, I try not to have much of that if I can.


Well-Known Member
4oz's per plant is about average for me (not including lowers). Yield is largely dependent on wattage per square meter, genetics, and the size of the container you're growing in relative to how long you veg for. Roots=fruits. Aside from adding more wattage, the best quick fix to improve yield (assuming everything is dialed in with your garden) would be Co2 supplementation. Topping, lst, etc can add some to your yield, I suppose, but I don't think it's substantial in and of itself. As Abe already pointed out, canopy management is important, and topping/training your plants can contribute to a nice even canopy which will allow for maximum lumens to reach the most bud sites resulting in a better yield.


Well-Known Member
It's completely strain dependent.. From there it depends on lighting, training etc. I averaged 3oz per 3g on my last few runs. I'm using 5g pots this time, same 4 week veg and looking for a 4oz average but I have a couple strains that aren't going to make that unless they really start packing on some weight soon.


Well-Known Member
Was averaging 4.5 OZ per five gallon when I was running synthetics. Now I'm 110% organic all the way through. My quality has doubled and my yeild was almost halved down to 2 OZ per plant in SEVEN gallon containers at average but ya know what, the quality gain is WELL worth the trade off ;) The small yield from larger containers made me switch to a SOG setup with only ten days veg time in 2 gallon containers. I imagine after I get really good at organics, I may be able to get the yields up comparable to synthetics :)


Active Member
It depends on the strain ounces per plant doesn't mean shit. I've grown plants scroged 8 ounces. Hell if someone wants to veg Jack Herer for 6 months in 30 gallon bucket scroged under 2000 watts he might get 20 ounces or someone might sog 100 plants under 2000 watts and get 40 ounces....The game is grams per watt not "I grew a big plant"