whats your average yield??


Active Member
Hey guys, I was just wondering what everyones average yeild per plant is.
How big was the plant
What strain
and how much weight dried


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was just wondering what everyones average yeild per plant is.
How big was the plant
What strain
and how much weight dried
i know someone who yielded about 5 ounces per plant of some ppp and they had 16 plants dried weight was about 5 lbs


Well-Known Member
i get about a half ounce per plant dry right now... i think i can bring it up over an ounce.

the plants are all under 8 inches tall and about 12 inches square under a ScrOG... the actual screens are 12x24 and have two plants under them, so they really get more than 12 inches to work with.

the strain is unknown, but grown locally, not some Tex-Mex.


Well-Known Member
dry weight is about 2 ounces per plant for me and hoping to bring that up... also mine's indoors... outdoors is much much better.. or indoors if you veg for a couple months or better... i only veg for 1 month


Well-Known Member
dry weight is about 2 ounces per plant for me and hoping to bring that up... also mine's indoors... outdoors is much much better.. or indoors if you veg for a couple months or better... i only veg for 1 month
depending on the strain but usually if u veg. for month and half or 2 months ull get 4 or more ounces per plant if the growing conditions are right


Well-Known Member
6 ounces per plant in hydro with full month veg from seed. 3 to 3.5 in soil. Good luck and keep it growing...


Well-Known Member
what wattage of light?? with how many plants??
Hey PPP,
What's up man.. I NEVER use cfl's always veg with 400 HPS and flower with 1000 HPS. In my experiences HPS makes for a fatter hurd in veg. I also crack at every internode starting on 3rd leaf set. Because I used a DWC system in 6 gallon buckets powered by a comercial piston air pump - I was able to really abuse them in veg and get them to really spread. This is almost impossible in soil for the same time frame. I operate out of a meter squared and I do 2 plants at a time because by the end of flowering they pretty much fill in the whole space.

This time around I am using the Krypto Ultimate Controller with a 9 double bucket system fed by a 45 gallon res. I'll be aiming for 2+ ounces per plant (small sog) in an e&f setup. Projection - 18oz.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
I shoot for 1 ounce a plant---some will come in under and some over--It avg out----3.5 gallon soil---50 on a table--true 4'x8'---2-600watt digi's over each table----co2 and sugar with bat guano and nute tea's.


Well-Known Member
Now we're talking. Oh how I wish I had more space. Thankyou for that beautiful image Dr. I loved it. Damn 50oz's is so sweet!!


Well-Known Member
About 1 and a half to 2 oz per plant,5 gallon pot,ocean farm soil,earth juice grow and superthrive,3 weeks veg on 24 hour light using CFL's then 6+ weeks of flowering.Size of the plant differs here iv'e had 4 foot branchy trees and iv'e had 3 foot straight up baseball bats I seem to get a bigger yield off the plants that grow straight up "aka"the baseball bats.:peace:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Now we're talking. Oh how I wish I had more space. Thankyou for that beautiful image Dr. I loved it. Damn 50oz's is so sweet!!
I'm happy---I alwas shoot for 1gram /watt dried weight and I'm a little over my goal so I'm happy. There are alot of growers doing more on here but I dont have the space and all my finished products are for personal medical use. I think I read about a 15 pound grow or something.---crazy...
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