What's your earliest childhood memories?

Dreams are another thing that interests me. I know that our brains process the happenings of the day and play them back at us as dreams, but why does this happen? Why doesn't our subconscious just tell us what it wants us to see... why do they have to come in riddle form?
life itself is a great riddle for most of us.
my earliest childhood memories go far back when i was like 2 or one years young and i remembered them recently.
i was like in my bed and i saw the fool moon out of the window for the first time i think. also i was walking in my sleep when i was young, i wonder if that's related with my earliest childhood memory?
as you wrote only more questions we get as we dig into this.
i think dreams are wonderful and very powerful, i once saw this 'the power of dreams'
video from Jerimiah Molfese on google video
he talks about lucid dreaming and how to control your dreams.

if somebody is interested on watching it, here's the link:
"I've never tried to encourage anyone to remember repressed memories because, while in many cases it helps the person to seek the help that they need to deal with the memory, I don't know how much more damage it might cause. Repressed memory is obviously there for a reason, and it's kind of scary."

When my repressed memories were revealed to me it was in the context of these are the things that shaped who you are at this point, good and bad, and now you have to decided who you will be. Tough experience, but one I wouldn't trade for the world. I love lucid dreaming, prob why I can sleep for so long.

interesting video on lucid dreaming. i watched most of it and will see if i can have a lucid dream tonight.

one of my first memories is walking in the sun with my mum. i was a 4 or 5 year old kid and was holding her hand.
we were looking at the new house we bought in scotland.
also i was walking in my sleep when i was young, i wonder if that's related with my earliest childhood memory?

I used to sleepwalk a lot too. I don't remember that, obviously, but I remember many times when a family member would mention something I did during the night. I used to have conversations with people that I couldn't remember in the morning... I even made myself a sandwich and ate it once... also a lot of the time I would be crying about my legs hurting, but in the morning they would be fine.

When my repressed memories were revealed to me it was in the context of these are the things that shaped who you are at this point, good and bad, and now you have to decided who you will be. Tough experience, but one I wouldn't trade for the world. I love lucid dreaming, prob why I can sleep for so long.

I've always had nightmares... usually about someone being hurt.... scary stuff. As a result I taught myself how to control my dreams... to a certain extent. I recognise that I'm dreaming and if it's a really bad one I can wake myself up. One of the earliest examples of this was how I stopped myself from wetting the bed. I used to dream that I was walking to the toilet, sitting down, then I'd wet myself. Over time I learnt to make the door of the dream toilet red. When I saw that, I knew to wake up and go to the toilet.

I was an alter boy, just after my sixteenth birthday---can't remember much before that for some reason.

I'm sorry man. This is one of the reasons that I'm not a religious person. :cuss:
I wonder the very same thing!
I had been tested for add and learning disorders a few years ago and I had the highest IQ the lady had ever seen. But I have horrible ADD and some "prossesing speed dissorder" so I have very hard time learning in school but I spend most of my time learning by thinking and observing everthing. so I guess im kind of like you. I can still remember when I crawled out of my crib at 1.5 years old went downstairs and looked up tat my dad and he said "how did you get down here?" I couldnt talk but i understood, he took me upstairs and told me to climb into the crib and I understood and did it.
I wasn't molested, but I should have been---I had it all :)

So you have no idea why you have so little childhood memories?

I wonder the very same thing!
I had been tested for add and learning disorders a few years ago and I had the highest IQ the lady had ever seen. But I have horrible ADD and some "prossesing speed dissorder" so I have very hard time learning in school but I spend most of my time learning by thinking and observing everthing. so I guess im kind of like you. I can still remember when I crawled out of my crib at 1.5 years old went downstairs and looked up tat my dad and he said "how did you get down here?" I couldnt talk but i understood, he took me upstairs and told me to climb into the crib and I understood and did it.

ADD and ADHD runs in my family. I think I may have a touch myself, although I was never diagnosed. I guess because we were quite poor when I was young, medications like that had to take a back seat. I'm glad though, because I'm not sure I like the idea of giving children such a dangerous drug. I was always concerned about my kids, especially since most of my nephews and nieces have been on medication for a good part of their lives. I have been told that my kids could benefit from the drugs, but I have always been of the belief that a lot of it is related to the foods and/or additives that you ingest too. I don't know if that's true, but I wanted to check into the diet thing more. As a result, I have always monitored my kids' diets fairly well... I do buy the odd treat, but much of their food is fresh. Now, my kids are active, but they're fairly well behaved... and I do know that if they go to a party or eat a lot of junk food they get a LOT more active, louder, etc. So, I don't know... but it seems to have worked for me...
Oh well, that would explain it. Damned Zanax. I hate the stuff... give me weed any day... lots and lots of it... bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie
Getting a brand new SNES around the age of 6
Catching frogs with my best friend who was also my next door neighbor, age 3-4
Letting off a fire extinguisher in a small gas station, age 4