Just because this guy got fake E I wouldn't take his advice. I have done E hundreds of times back in my teens. I can tell you, the 'high' when your peaking, is probably as good as your ever going to feel. But when your 'rolling' you can appear to be totally retarded ,so watch out fr that. Youll be chewing your own face and grinding teeth to powder unless you have some gum. It's euphoria on a whole new level. BUT the peak only lasts a few hours and once you start to come down, it's the WORST feeling ever. If you have 10 more you will take every one trying to recapture the 'peak', but you won't. YEah the come down is brutal, once your fully down, you will spend the next few weeks so unbelievably depressed it's not even worth it. See, E, makes your brain release all of it's serotonin in one go. Serotonin is your mood stabilizing chemical, your brain realeases it slowly in response to pleasure activities like sex or eating. So after E , you have none and al you can feel for at least a week ,is numb, like a zombie with clinical depression. Keep taking E reguraly and you WILL, like I did, damage your brains capability to produce serotonin and you will suffer clinical depression. There is one exception to this. The first time you do E you will feel happy the next day, like an after glow. This only happens once for some reason though. But basically the stuff puts mad pressure on your brain and your heart, and coming down is one of the worst life experiences you can have... worth it for a few hours of euphoria? not imo. But it's worth trying it once at least, if you think you can stop yourself doing it every week