What's your experience with E?


Well-Known Member
I have had the real thing only one or 2 times and was sold fake stuff many many times. It seems that the days when real MDMA was common are gone except for those who are lucky. Unfortunately no matter who I ask everyone seems to also be looking, or they quickly gobble it all done before I ever get to see it. Been over a year since I've had the real deal and I've gotten sick from crap people sold me just so they could make 40$ off me ( I bought 4 pills since the guy claimed they were good) ime it's very hit miss miss hit miss miss miss eteat my advise is to stay away until you are sure you want it and your positive its the real thing and clean, and you can get more. Because your going to want more, even if that time isn't for months


New Member
E opened my eyes to everyones core essence energies, like i could see your entire being in studying you for like 15 seconds or less. I knew all your weaknesses and all your strenghts, basically how powerful of a person you were. I could also read a compasion scale, for some borderline sadistic guys id feel a black hole, for sympathetic carring people id see a sun lit naturall garden so to speak. I felt like afucking pychologist god and a sex god at the same time... E was great for a while... When i started to notice some problems like short term memory, like i have a really good memory of faces, id fucking mistake one person for the next, wich triped me out. I did a totall of 10 pills in like 3 weeks, and it left a nasty scar of anxiety. I had a wicked twitch, and my muscles would get stiff as fuck when i had an anxiety attack in public... So you have to be carefull and moderate... I think its like a once a month thing, Its an experience i think everyone should be able to.. experience.


Active Member
I can't answer with experience but I saw in a documentary that people who "od" on ecstasy don't actually die from the drug, they die because they're so happy they have to dance around and they end up cooking their organs and getting dehydrated and shit. Always remember to drink plenty of water.


Well-Known Member
That's just raver safety..mdma raises your core tem to a dangerous level,and when dancing for 4 hours at a time,one gets dehydrated and overheated if they don't consume water..ther have been reports of people drinking to much water also...


Well-Known Member
All of this is tottaly off subject of mdma,but ill chip in..methadone sex...9 hours of adult movie type fiascos (I say it plural cause of the 2 girls,not one)...it took that long to orgasm..if canndo is right,I should never find a lude hookup...it'll be all over then.
Man I remember those days, except I could almost never have an orgasm. I was extremely wasted though. Fun times except for the addiction part.