Whats YOUR Favorite Drug of Choice?

Whats your favorite drug of choice?

  • Coke

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Shrooms

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • LSD

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Benzo's (xanax/oxy/etc.)

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Opiates (vicodin/morphine/etc.)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Ecstacy

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Perscription

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marijuana

    Votes: 39 62.9%
  • Other..Explain

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
^That's true, but I noticed most people didn't answer with herb when they posted. The poll shows herb winning overwhelmingly - Strange? I do enjoy nice trips, but c'mon what's better than ganja.


Well-Known Member
Pot.. because it's fuckin pot man.. why would you pick anything else? Why touch anything else? I'm 26 and i've done coke, meth,ICE, crack, LSD, mushrooms, X, xanax, vallum, loratabs, perkasets, somas, and everything else under the sun but heroin.. and while some of it's ok if thats what you're into, I wouldnt ever go back.. only xanax and vallum's.. but I still wouldnttouch them if I didn't have a nice fat sack to smoke with 'em


Well-Known Member
Oops! Lol I wanna know the secret one though. Tell me!

hahaha I guess you can say aside from bud, mine is xanax, BUT i havent really explored/experienced the others first hand. I dont plan to try them ALL, only the ones that are "worth" it ya know?


Well-Known Member
opiates just suck because they make your body build a tolerance real quick. With bud, if you smoke a gram to your dome, you are going to be high no matter what. With opiates, like vicodin and oxycontin, you have to take more every day to get as high as you were the day before, unless you give it a rest of a couple days. Many people use it everyday too, not to get high, but so they don't get sick from not having it. weed has never really done that to me. yeah, there were times that I would kill for a bowl but never been up all nite aching and puking.
ya i was addicted to morphine and heroin for like 4 years and got to the point where i needed like 800mg morphine or 300 mg oc or like a gram of heroin to get high. Anythign less was just not to get sick. Dope sickess is fucking hell, and im glad that ive cut down and only do them one or twice every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Hydrocodone gives me a wonderful feeling that even weed can't touch. But you build up a tolerance fast and addiction can be a bitch - you're better off not even taking them.

Give me a bowl or two and I'm good for the night.

Btw, alcohol should be on that list...just for fun.
i know what your saying. I started with vicodin i was getting from my doc and that just didnt do it anymore. So id sell my vics and buy heroin or morphine, which i could get for like 6 bucks for a 100mg. In the end it fucks up your life and aint worth it. But its nice to do from time to time and smoke a bowl after you will never feel better.


i love em all!!! thats why i stick to the weed; like the gentleman above me, i had an oxy problem for awhile, and he's right; dopesick is HELL!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Can't tell ya!But yeah, I don't have any interest in heroin or anything like that.
Oops! Lol I wanna know the secret one though. Tell me!

hahaha I guess you can say aside from bud, mine is xanax, BUT i havent really explored/experienced the others first hand. I dont plan to try them ALL, only the ones that are "worth" it ya know?


Well-Known Member
i smoke herb, nothin else
i truly dont even like getting drunk and im a college kid