what's your favorite drug?


Well-Known Member
My favorite drug besides weed is percocet, 'cuz of the intense euphoria! i've tried painkillers, shrooms, benzos, adderall, ect i didnt like shrooms i had a bad time... i blended up 4 grams in orange juice an drank it on a empty stomach and it was good at first like the usual laughing/crazy visuals but after awhile it wasnt good! had a bad trip for like 8 hours, thought my dog was trying to eat me and shit...:shock:. i didnt like adderall either, it was ok but all it made me do was talk nonstop about some random bullshit that made hardly any sence and it made me wana knock people out for no reason. ha. and it gave me real bad insomnia!

anyways im half baked like the guy on the couch right now :eyesmoke: and just wanted to hear ur guys opinions...:peace:
lol. I love percs but they make me very very evil like Meth does to ppl. I usually tend to stay away if not, I mix them. I leave my stomach empty on purpose b/c you feel affects a lot more but you need a good tollerance(spell) and I think I have one. I pop about 2-3 perc 10650(big fat yellow ones, I call them bananas for slang so its easier to get away with a sell. :D but anyway. I take about 2-3 percs. smoke about 2-3 joints then take some shots of w/e you like and i tell you what. talk about getting fucked out of your mind. its a great time just dont let no one ruin your buzz b/c it will come from a great deal of hell. it does for me anyway.
I just started writing a write up.. and I realized I have a list of favorites. I guess it's mood dependent. Shitty day vs good day vs plain old bored. ya kno? If I'm trying to get away from life, or stress, or just have fun, they are different substances.
Pot is great and percs are fun for me. They are like speed with a head high or kick to them. I stay up for hours and hours and can talk the entire time.

But my favorite drug cannot be found in the original pure form any longer and that is acid. If I could find the true old Real McCoy four way windowpane or the old LSD-25 in a sugar cube acid of the late 60’s and 70’s I would trip and trip and trip.

Chocolate mescaline was another favorite of mine. A fistful of those and you would have a fantastic time.
Despite haveing done just about all of them... pot is my choice for daily use.

The best post drug - drug, for AFTER a night out on the town, is guarana... 45 minutes and you are fresh, and chatty and invigorated like you slept all night... just in time for another party....
nothing better than smoking o.c., i use to love herb but i have bad anxiety and i cant smoke without having panic/anxiety attacks, so i love relaxing drugs like opiates and benzos, mostly klonopine and ativan and some oxy