whats your favorite game while stoned?

Need for Speed... I'm playing Heat right now...There's nothing better than doing 180 mph with a blunt in your mouth and the cops on your ass and getting away!!!
I’m replaying mass effect 1 on the legendary edition. Is it just me or do all the human characters, Shepard in particular have major uncanny valley vibes? I know it’s an older game but god damn if the aliens don’t feel more human.

not talking shit about it though, I love my geeky space soap opera.
I used to love headquarters mw2019 with the lazer shotgun on killcam - teams coming back and back getting killed hilarious. Now with all the updates and crap changes , it is hardly playable - pay 60 quid for the game to completely change for the worse crashing , lags and glitches. In todays world, they just release an unfinished game and fuck about with it on updates- a complete nauseating mess.
Just got Horizon Zero Dawn on PC. After playing most of it a couple years back on a mates PS4. It's just as good as I remember. Hard- But, immensely rewarding when you finally take down one of those big fuggers that shoot fire, ice or other crap at you.
When you die and go to Valhalla you only smoke the best of weed because heroes get the best of everything... Smoke, drink, eat, battle, all day, everyday!!! It's like Groundhog Day!!!