whats your favorite game while stoned?

Stoned : Pubg
Sober : Fortnite

Ive been a xbox user for most of my life. I recently invested into a gaming pc outfit....which is now for sale :( Not my cup of tea, learning curve for me was way to long compared to xbox or even PS. Looks fantastic, play like a kid with one eye and three fingers on PC :)

For me its pubg
Stoned and sober
When im blazed im camping and sober it's balls out with the M16A1 & THE THOMSON 45 SILENCED
Nice. In philly before stoners started educating themselves it was just haze or piff
Something about the haze/piff induced a certain cerebral mental focus and body relaxation that just upped my game. One could say it was a performance enhancer. I mean really I used to s**t on competitors.