whats your favorite game while stoned?

How about Borderlands 3?

They are all great games. BL1 is real raw and gritty, BL2 has the best DLC ever (Assault on Dragon's Keep) and is extremely funny, BLTPS has a great Handsome Jack and Claptrap origin story and BL3 has truly amazing gameplay. The main villains in BL3 really suck but completing the galaxy 100% was a whole lot of fun, better than the slagfest BL2 becomes at the endgame tbh.
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I play Valorant , CS-Go on Pc, i love playing with good buzz on feels like i can see 4 moves ahead even though i die most of the time on the the first move lol.


SCARFACE... Theres nothing like getting high as hell and selling all the coke you could imagine, making millions of dollars and not go to prison... Wish they would remake it...
Steel tip darts in a boar bristle board. And 301 with blowguns to see who gets the dog training collar for community enjoyment. Not as S&M as it sounds. But even the loser is laughing.
Steel tip darts in a boar bristle board. And 301 with blowguns to see who gets the dog training collar for community enjoyment. Not as S&M as it sounds. But even the loser is laughing.
Darts is definitely a game best played in an altered state. Unfortunately for me, I suck when I’m lit, but aces when I’ve had a few drinks.