and lets not forget that fuckin episode of dinosaurs were everyone becomes a stoner cuz they find this "happy plant" in the forest and everyone starts eating it and becoming happy... but then nobody works....
Finally... A recommendation of something I havent seen...
I'll check out "the Union"
Rolling Kansas is good...
Anyone seen Bongwater?
It's pretty funny, Luke Wilson is the pot dealing main character, Jack Black is the stoner hippie who grows weed in the forest... Britney Murphy is in it...
I've seen everything recommended so far except the Union. I'll check it out.
*Cue Jon Stewart's Half-Baked performance* Have you ever seen Koyaanisqatsi...ON WEED!?! I just got Baraka and Chronos on Blu-Ray, can't wait to see what those movies are like high on a 50" plasmaIve given this more thought. Koyaanisqatsi, I got to see it with the Phillip Glass Ensemble playing along live with a head full of acid. Someone mentioned TV and there are some good ones too. King of the Hill, Dale tussles with a raccoon, thinks he's contacted rabies and survives by eating moss and shrooms. All time favorite "get a life" series, insane series that had Charlie Kaufman a s a writer. best Stoner episode. Chris eats shrooms and tries to kill his father because chris thinks he's a "homicidal two headed refrigerator"
good stuff. Anybody knows where to get that episode of get a life, let me know.