Well-Known Member
Im a co-ower of a landscaping contracting company for bank repossessed homes. Hopefully invest my money and never work again, when I get enough...
fisherman / retired
i dont think the ppl with shitty jobs are gonna post so i will. i make pizzas. good pizzas to. damn im hungry. im gonna be working on cars though...i just gotta finish school.
I test drive cars.
... I know, right?
lol like a cpa?
i never saw accountants as the pot smoking type
Actually... since you bring that up. That is what I am trying to become. Going to community college so I can transfer to UC and graduate with a criminal justice degree. I could be the good cop, and make bank$ waitin for someone to say their a cop.
Didnt know there were such things. I learn something new each day... LOL. jkActually... since you bring that up. That is what I am trying to become. Going to community college so I can transfer to UC and graduate with a criminal justice degree. I could be the good cop, and make bank$.