What's Your Job?

Im a co-ower of a landscaping contracting company for bank repossessed homes. Hopefully invest my money and never work again, when I get enough...
It's not by any means an awesome job. If it weren't for the cash I'd b out. Strip clubs may appear to be "High Class" but trust me, they are all the same.
lol only been to one once... so im gonna take your word for it

and now that you mention it the one i did go to was completely racist there wasnt one dancer that wasnt white, all the bouncers and bartenders were white and so was the dj...

and where was the only black guy?
in the bathroom drying my hands and lighting my cigar for me
i've only ever seen one stripper that looked/acted high at work. i love the titty bars...lol its how me and the girls bond. we always talk to the dancers and stuff...they're sober here...and really cool too...we have a blast. lol
i dont think the ppl with shitty jobs are gonna post so i will. i make pizzas. good pizzas to. damn im hungry. im gonna be working on cars though...i just gotta finish school.
lol like a cpa?

i never saw accountants as the pot smoking type

yes, like a cpa. most don't smoke or anything. they are generally pretty much socially retarded. i think they are the engineers of the financial world. the accountants who do party go all out. check out vegas on 4/16 every year.
.....im waitin for someone to say their a cop.
Actually... since you bring that up. That is what I am trying to become. Going to community college so I can transfer to UC and graduate with a criminal justice degree. I could be the good cop, and make bank$.
Actually... since you bring that up. That is what I am trying to become. Going to community college so I can transfer to UC and graduate with a criminal justice degree. I could be the good cop, and make bank$.
Didnt know there were such things. I learn something new each day... LOL. jk