What's your least favorite movie ?

So many of the new movies are just dreck lately. To long to list LOL

i'm pretty ace at finding shit movies to watch on netflix.. seems i was on a pretty big roll a week or two ago, where pretty much every movie i picked was a two thumbs way down'er.. i think i got through about 20 minutes at the longest on one, before giving up only to pick something just as bad..
i'm pretty ace at finding shit movies to watch on netflix.. seems i was on a pretty big roll a week or two ago, where pretty much every movie i picked was a two thumbs way down'er.. i think i got through about 20 minutes at the longest on one, before giving up only to pick something just as bad..
LOL it sucks to pay for a service and get dreck, about the only thing worse is paying Cinema prices!! Try kodi. I've been really happy with it. Thanks @Gary Goodson
LOL it sucks to pay for a service and get dreck, about the only thing worse is paying Cinema prices!! Try kodi. I've been really happy with it. Thanks @Gary Goodson

i've found some good stuff on netlix, don't get me wrong, it's just that my batting average at this point could use a bit of improving.. if i find a good series i can get into, that more than makes up for all the crap i put myself through to get to that point..