Hey Nuera
I've got a near 100% success rate with this method, the only seed I ever lost was one I planted upside down and the root died before I turned it dimpled side up.
I like it because it's simple (1 step), fast, safe, and I don't have to handle the sprouts. I usually get sprouting 2-3 days, the shortest around 30 hours and the longest 3.5 days.
Plastic cup (16-20oz)
Pro Mix (non fertilized soil less)
Distilled water
Magnifying glass (or good eyes)
Bic pen refill
Saran Wrap (crinkled)
Masking Tape
Sharp poking tool (knife, scissors)
1. Mix Pro Mix normally - enough distilled water so it holds together when squeezed in one hand but not to drip water.
2. Poke holes in bottom of cup. Fill cups with Pro Mix, put hand over top and shake up and down to get rid of air holes. Pat the top of the pro mix in cup down gently. Fill to 1" below the cup top - room for the sprout to grow if it comes up when you're not around; and to put in more Pro Mix if the stem stretches. Label each cup with masking tape before putting the seed in. I use different colored cups for different strains as well.
3. With the writing tip of the pen poke a hole in the center of the pro mix, about 1/8". Not deep, just a starter hole. The seed will do the rest of the work.
4. Using good eyes or the magnifying glass find the scalloped (opens) and dimpled (hing) sides of the seed. Poke the scalloped end into the pro mix - I find it easiest to put the seed between the thumb and index finger and gently squeeze it in. Don't push far, just until it stays upright.
5. Recheck the seed to be sure the dimple side is up.
6. Using the open tube end of the pen refill push the dimpled end of the seed down until it is 1/16-1/8" below the surface. Using the pen refill skuff up the pro mix until 1/8" is over the seed dimple. Loose and airy is good.
7. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons of distilled water over the top of the pro mix. Do NOT uncover the seed.
8. Rip off a piece of crinkled Saran wrap, tear it's length in two so you have a square, and wrap over the top of cup making a complete seal.
9. Place the cup minimum flower distance from your light in your flower room. The heat from the light will act like a steamer with the distilled water and the seed; the (12 on/12 off) cycle of the light will mimic nature; the crinkled Saran wrap will keep the moisture and heat in and diffuse the light.
10. After the first day pull back the Saran Wrap a couple of times a day to look for sprouting.