what's your prefered germanation method ?


Well-Known Member
hello RIU

Just got my seeds, what's the best method of germination?
Ive had problems with the kitchen roll/paper towel method before, and lost some expensive seeds.
I also have a heated propagator. should I use it?.
should I keep them in the dark or give them a light period?
should I pre soak?
thankyou potheads.


Well-Known Member
Moist paper towel in between a saucer and cereal bowl and placed on top of the cable box. Works everytime. Moist not soaked, and maybe a light spray if it starts drying out. Tap root almost 100% of the time within 48 hrs.


Well-Known Member
I done this before only when they did germ I moved them into to a seed tray with baby soil. they all stopped growing and died.
I was thinking the less I play about moving them the better.


Well-Known Member
Take your seeds and soak them in water for about 12hr over night. put them into moist seedling soil and cover with a few grains of soil. place a flour tube just over the seeds to help keep the soil warm. if the top soil starts to dry use a spray bottle and give only one or two shots to wet the top soil. I used the paper towel method but once the roots start they get stuck to the paper and hurt the young roots when you try to plant. This is the best method I've found to germ seeds.


Well-Known Member
sweet stumps I was thinking the same thing.
should I start in my big pots or work my way up?
Heated propagator, would this help?


Well-Known Member
I start in solo cups then up to my growing pots. that way I can use the spray bottle to water. I use the same watering with the bigger pots but use a pump sprayer. I don't know about the heated propagtor I've just kept the light tube on them for heat. It could work I just don't know.


Well-Known Member
I mean everyones situation is slightly differant.
I was also slipping off the subject and asking weather or not it's better going strait into the final pot ect. ect. ect.


Well-Known Member
god....I must be bored today! LOL

Personally, I like to germ in a wet paper towel. I have tried all methods and this one has always given me the best success. 100%

Some people on here will flame you for that and say just pop it in the dirt, it's natures way, blah, blah, blah, bollox!. But whatever! I go for what works best for me, simple as that.

So my advice to you is the same. Read up on the differrent methods and mediums, try them out and see what works best.

I also like to pot up, start small, get bigger. I believe it gets you a better overall root mass in the long run. But again, some people don't think like that and will disagree. To each their own! You need to find your own path my friend.



Well-Known Member
beleive it or not ive had a 100 percent success rate with my method. i take a very small wad of toilet paper and loosely roll the seed up in it. i plant it and water it. the toilet paper keeps the seed moist for days and within 3 to 4 days i have seedlings.


Well-Known Member

Hey Nuera

I've got a near 100% success rate with this method, the only seed I ever lost was one I planted upside down and the root died before I turned it dimpled side up.

I like it because it's simple (1 step), fast, safe, and I don't have to handle the sprouts. I usually get sprouting 2-3 days, the shortest around 30 hours and the longest 3.5 days.

Plastic cup (16-20oz)
Pro Mix (non fertilized soil less)
Distilled water
Magnifying glass (or good eyes)
Bic pen refill
Saran Wrap (crinkled)
Masking Tape
Sharp poking tool (knife, scissors)

1. Mix Pro Mix normally - enough distilled water so it holds together when squeezed in one hand but not to drip water.

2. Poke holes in bottom of cup. Fill cups with Pro Mix, put hand over top and shake up and down to get rid of air holes. Pat the top of the pro mix in cup down gently. Fill to 1" below the cup top - room for the sprout to grow if it comes up when you're not around; and to put in more Pro Mix if the stem stretches. Label each cup with masking tape before putting the seed in. I use different colored cups for different strains as well.

3. With the writing tip of the pen poke a hole in the center of the pro mix, about 1/8". Not deep, just a starter hole. The seed will do the rest of the work.

4. Using good eyes or the magnifying glass find the scalloped (opens) and dimpled (hing) sides of the seed. Poke the scalloped end into the pro mix - I find it easiest to put the seed between the thumb and index finger and gently squeeze it in. Don't push far, just until it stays upright.

5. Recheck the seed to be sure the dimple side is up.

6. Using the open tube end of the pen refill push the dimpled end of the seed down until it is 1/16-1/8" below the surface. Using the pen refill skuff up the pro mix until 1/8" is over the seed dimple. Loose and airy is good.

7. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons of distilled water over the top of the pro mix. Do NOT uncover the seed.

8. Rip off a piece of crinkled Saran wrap, tear it's length in two so you have a square, and wrap over the top of cup making a complete seal.

9. Place the cup minimum flower distance from your light in your flower room. The heat from the light will act like a steamer with the distilled water and the seed; the (12 on/12 off) cycle of the light will mimic nature; the crinkled Saran wrap will keep the moisture and heat in and diffuse the light.

10. After the first day pull back the Saran Wrap a couple of times a day to look for sprouting.




Active Member
I just drop mine in a solo cup of sink water with a baggie ova tha top out of 10 I'd germ 7-8 out of five 4 germ I tried paper towel, plate, heating them works to but less germ%, so tha cup of water works good ( 4 me ) peace