New Member
Here it is again, I'll recycle it just as one day I the amazing CrackerJax will also be recycled.You wish to know the unknowable. You minx!!
By my nature I stay only in the present tense. I don't dwell on the past (my own, not history), or think about the future much either.
By my own observations which is after all limited to a smart ape, I see that energy is not lost but recycled. I also see that life and death are completely random, although bad decision making and self abuse can certainly hedge your death randomness.
I certainly don't think everything happens for a reason. There is just no evidence to support that. There is no "destiny' mapped out ahead of you. It's a free wheel circus. Some can't handle that and are drawn to religion as comfort. That's fine. It's a choice.
I haven't the foggiest idea what happens upon ones death. Truly I don't and neither does anyone else. Of course this is the question which plagues and permeates us as a species. This is what led you to post this in the first place. Well done by the way, nothing wrong with asking.
I do think we are definitely recycled, but reincarnation is more an indication of our narcissism than reality. The only evidence is that recycling is done and we (the dead) decompose and our atoms disperse and reassemble into something else.
I believe the entire conscience transference and continuation of our spirit is merely (not to demean the complexity of it) an evolutionary trick in our brains so we don't get depressed about the reality that we live on a planet which is set up in an extremely violent way. Everything stays alive by killing something else. This does not seem to be a kind existence for anybody.
Perhaps there are planets out there where entities live on solar energy and killing is UNKNOWN. Of course our planet would come as quite a shock to them.
I could go on but this post is making me depressed. Just kidding!! I've got to go kill something to eat!!
