What's your thoughts & opinions on vegging with an hps?

well, I woke up this morning to a bit of a problem, my metal halide bulb just gave up on me.. So I got to thinking, how would my plants in veg turn out if I put them under a hps? sounds pretty ignorant I know, but i'm just curious too what might happen if i were to veg with an hps? any ideas? thanks.


Well-Known Member
i run hps dual spec bulbs............12-12 from seed......these are some of the results..:weed:



Well-Known Member
If you're just talking temporarily, sure go for it.

I was forced to use a 400w hps for vegging once.. didn't have nearly the branch density of metal halide.
well at this time I am kind of forced too.. which kinda sucks but oh well, i was borrowing a buddies metal halide for awhile, and of course he needed them back in the middle of my veg stage :[